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Sunday, June 29, 2003

Adolf Eichmann

It was Meir Kahane who remarked that only a few people in the world know the secrets of the world power.

It is true - very few people know how the world is run.

Whilimena predicts that by year 2011 most of the world's political leaders will be thugs who will win elections by fraud, intimidation, and murder.

Since 1943 a few con-men have been 'scamming' their way to power and riches. And they have done it mostly with Black Operations.

What is this Black Operation also called Psy Ops?

It is a program which seeks to 'pull a fast one' on the populace by committing an act and make it appear as if someone else does it.

In many of these Psy Ops, the perpetrators used bogeymen, gangsters and gullible politicians as conduits to carry out their plans. The result - secrets are held for conspirators and they are blackmailed for life.

One very effective component of the sceme is to:
(a) Use an intelligence agent to stir up trouble and then label him as strongman. When this fellow gets 'out of hand', the Psy Ops crew invades his country, change the regime and annex his goods. This fellow disappears permanently. However, if he is caught he confesses and corroborates THE OFFICIAL VERSION to pin the blame on the BOGEYMEN; and he is given permanent new face and credentials.
(b) The intelligence agent leads the operation and the Psy Ops crew claims that he 'died' in the operation. He is then given new face and credentials.

One of the masters in Black Ops was Adolf Eichmann.

Friday, June 27, 2003

The Charles Lindbergh Baby Scam

Charles Lindbergh suffered a great loss at the hands of one or more crooks.

The evidence against Richard Hauptmann was weak; and his sentence was a travesty of justice.

We have compiled articles and photos of that incident in the hope of exposing the blatant miscarriage of justice.

His wife Anna sought to have him exonerated right up to the time of death; and every complaint was rejected.

For some of those who have never experienced the cunningness of the Conspirati; they generally fall for every official explanation of events and they fail to investigate things for themselves.

It is only when they are at their knees that they suddenly spur into action.

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

The John F. Kennedy Scam

Who believes the official story about lone assassin Oswald responsible for JFK's murder?
(a) Tribesmen
(b) Slicks
(c) cui bono
(d) The Naive
(e) Fools.

The John Fitzgerald Kennedy Assassination
Preface by Whilimena
John F. Kennedy was murdered; and it was done by insiders. The dingbats who did it almost caused a nuclear war by insinuating that the Commies had something to do with it.
John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert F. Kennedy had enemies in Washington. Who were they? Gangsters, unions, politicians, security services and cronies.
Kennedy found out that certain security services were 'out of control' and he warned that he would dismantle the garrison.

The Kennedy brothers also launched a campaign against powerful thugs; not knowing that certain insiders worked closely with thugs as a principle. Therefore, when the word came from the inner circle that Kennedy should be killed there were many willing participants.
Kennedy was naive. He did not know how the security services operate because at the time when an effort was being made to assassinate Ngo Diem; the same Team was planning his murder.

Many fools generally ask: 'But how can so many persons conspire?' In many cases some people perform tasks without being told the specifics, and therefore cannot be blamed for the results; while others are just the type of characters for those jobs.
Millions of us are mere residents of a country because we know very little about what happens in the country; except for gossip of course.

How easy is it to garner the support of dozens of men to do harm? Easier than you think.
Lets look at the security services for a minute - take the Central Intelligence Agency.
This outfit has what is called 'Undercover' and 'Deep Cover' projects. What are undercover projects? Good Samaritans? No! 'Deep Cover' is not a gospel group. It is involved in drug dealings; silencing, harassing, framing and killing people.

So, if someone in the agency gets up and ask: 'Who's ready for an assignment?' Fifty men may stand up; hypothetically speaking.
Now take for example some of these men decide to run for political office. Of course they will take their 'deep cover' mentality with them. And, if there are avenues for corruption, they will readily participate.

The Whilimena Team has compiled a list of disparate books. Please feel free to browse for titles (UNDER 'Disparate Books' and try to purchase them in order to digest their contents. You WILL be shocked!!!!
Back to JFK. Who murdered him?

Remember Jean Hill? Pictured above, she is like Bill Rodriquez in the Trade Center - not one sole to assist him with his complaint alleging that bombs brought down the WTC.
Jean told us some key facts which many failed to comprehend. She told us of a plan with several actors at the table orchestrating the murder of John F. Kennedy.
That plan was called Operation Zipper.

Here is an overview written by Colonel VB Driscoll of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) in 1978 about the JFK murder:

Item 14: 'Oswald also was intimately connect with de Mohrenschildt who was certainly known to be a CIA operative...

(Item 19): 'The actual route of Kennedy's drive through downtown Dallas was made known to the local press on Tuesday, November 19. (Writer's note: The reader might wish to note that JFK's coffin was bought in Dallas on November 18)

(Item 20): 'Just after the President's car passed the Texas Book Depository, a number of shots were fired. There were a total of three shots fired at the President. The first shot came from the right front, hitting him in the neck. This projectile did not exit the body. The immediate reaction by the President was to clutch at his neck and say, 'I have been hit!'. He was unable to move himself into and kind of a defense posture because he was wearing a restrictive body brace. (Writer's note: The perfect sitting duck.)

(Item 21): 'The second shot came from above and behind the Presidential car, the bullet striking Texas Governor Connally in the upper right shoulder, passing through his chest and exiting sharply downwards into his left thigh.

(Item 22): 'The third, and fatal shot, was also fired at the President from the right front and from a position slightly above the car. This bullet, which was fired from a .223 weapon, struck the President above the right ear...
(Writer's note: You may want to read Manchester's book - he also laid out the details of the assassination team. There were numerous persons firing shots in Dealy Plaza - possibly 8-10 in all. Some of the men were conducting synchronized shooting in order to cover the real killers. Reason being that when onlookers turn their heads to one area, the modified weapons were then used to commit the act. Of specific importance is one of the weapons used to commit the murder. We understand that the killing weapons were silenced.)

(Item 23): 'Photographic evidence indicates that the driver, SA Greer, slowed down the vehicle when shots were heard, in direct contravention of standing Secret Service regulations.

(Item 24): 'Reports that the initial hit on the President came from above and behind are false and misleading...

(Item 25): (Writer's note: Hold on to your seats folks!) 'The projectile that killed the President was filled with mercury. When such a projectile enters a body, the sudden decrease in velocity causes the mercury to literally explode the shell. This type of projectile is designed to practically guarantee the death of the target...

(Item 26): 'The disappearance of Kennedy's brain and related post- mortem material from the U.S. national Archives was motivated by an official desire not to permit further testing which would certainly show the presence of mercury in the brain matter.

(Item 27): 'Official statements that the fatal shot was fired from above and behind are totally incorrect and intend to mislead...

(Item 28): 'The so-called 'magic bullet' theory, i.e., a relatively pristine, fired, Western Cartridge 6.5 Mannlicher-Carano projectile produced in evidence, is obviously an official attempt to justify its own thesis. This theory, that a projectile from above and behind struck the President in the upper back, swung up, exited his throat, gained altitude and then angled downwards through the body of Governor Connally, striking bone and passing through muscle mass and emerging in almost undamaged condition is a complete impossibility... (The doli incapax and the tribesmen believed it!)... bullet in question was obtained by firing the alleged assassination weapon into a container of water.

(Item 29): (Writer's note: Here again the stupidity of the COD) 'Three other such projectiles were recovered in similar undamaged condition. One of these was produced for official inspection and was claimed to have been found on Governor Connally's stretcher at Parkland Hospital. As a goodly portion of the projectile was still in the Governor's body.., this piece of purported evidence should be considered as nothing more than an official 'plant'.

Item 79: '...the individual allegedly photographed by CIA surveillance in Mexico is to a certainty not Lee Oswald...

Item 80: 'The hit team was flown away in an aircraft piloted by a CIA contract pilot named David Ferrie..."
(End of DIA's report.)
RAE WILSON: quotes, videos and documents
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