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Saturday, May 13, 2006

Disparate Quotes, section 4

The Whilimena posts are not for entertainment. This is serious stuff to read, observe, digest and be wise.

Read the 1935 book: It could happen here. The main character was Berzelius 'Buzz' Windrip, a classic idiot.

"Many people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which they live is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of a corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one's self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice." Michael Rivero

"...That plan was ready two months before the invasion. It was written by BearingPoint, Inc., a company based in Virginia that received a $250 million contract to rewrite the entire economy of Iraq. It drafted that new economy. That new economy was put into place systematically by L. Paul Bremer, the head of the occupation government of Iraq for 14 months, who implemented exactly one hundred orders, basically all of which are still in place today. And everyone who is watching who is familiar with the policies of the World Trade Organization, the North American Free Trade Agreement, the World Bank, the I.M.F., will understand the orders..." Antonia Juhasz

"9/11 Commission could subpoena Oval Office files..." (NYTimes 26 October 2003)
"...9/11 Panel threatens to issue subpoena for Bush's briefings..." (NYTimes 02/10/2004)

Commission 9-11 Smoking Gun:
'...Between 8:25 a.m. and 8:32 a.m., in accordance with FAA protocol, Boston Center managers started notifying their chain-of-command that American 11 had been hijacked...The controller responsible for United 175 was unfortunately the same controller assigned the job of tracking the hijacked American 11...'

"I speak with firsthand experience (and for several score of CIA officers) when I state categorically that during this time senior White House officials repeatedly refused to act on sound intelligence that provided multiple chances to eliminate Osama bin laden." (US government official) Los Angeles Times (12/05/04)

This was Hanjour's double:
'...Hanjour went into the air in a cessna 172 with instructors...three times...[with the intention] to rent a plane from the airport...after three times in the air, they [instructors] still felt he was unable to fly solo...and instructors were surprised he was not able to fly better with the amount of experience [600 hours]' Prince George's Journal (September 18, 2001)
"A secret blueprint for U.S. global domination reveals that President Bush and his cabinet were planning a premeditated attack on Iraq to secure regime change even before he took power in January 2001."
-Ted Koppel: Nightline, March 5, 2003

Whilimena says: "Intercepting aircraft is no puzzle for the Military. AP (08/12/02) reported that between September 200 and June of 2001, jets were dispatched 67 times to assess situations where it was thought that aircraft were in danger. 67 times. Yet on September 11th, the COD cannot explain what was done to protect America. When asked, all members of the COD play darn lunatics. They all blame each other - they think - they did not know, and they do not recall."

Was the Military confused on 9-11? Hell no!
FAA Order 7610.4J7-1-2:
'The escort service [fighter intercept] will be requested by the FAA hijack coordinator by direct contact with the National Military Command Center (NMCC).'

'In the event of a hijacking, the NMCC will be notified by the most expeditious means by the FAA. The NMCC will, with the exception of immediate responses...forward requests for DOD [Department of Defense] assistance to the Secretary of Defense for approval.'
CJCSI 3610.01A (June, 2001)

What was the real reason for al Qaeda to strike WTC? WTC had the most foreigners in such close proximity. This slaughter was like 'killing two birds with one stone'. Dozens of Third World citizens killed cemented the alleged Coalition: '...[they] explicitly urge[d] painting over the US's actual reasons for warfare as a necessity for mobilizing public support for a conflict." Sydney Morning Herald (12/26/02).

Want more proof? Tony Blair: "To be truthful about it, there was no way we could have got the public consent to have suddenly launched a campaign on Afghanistan but for what happened on September 11."
(London Times, July 17, 2002)

Gore Vidal:
'Osama, if it was he and not a nation, simply provided the necessary shock to put in train a war of conquest...'

Is the Military equipped to tap into the nation's radar system in an emergency? Oh yes!
'Located in the Pentagon, the NMCC can tap into radar stations and thus monitor dangerous emergencies and hijackings...' CNN, 10/26/99

Some of the thugs were heard talking about 'shock and awe'. They used words like 'spectacular' and 'magnificent' to describe the impending attacks. A writer who describes an attack on his own country does not use the word 'spectacular':
The American Heritage Dictionary defines 'spectacular' thus:
'Of the nature of a spectacle; impressive or sensational...An elaborate display...splendid in appearance; grand...'

The writer who uses the word 'spectacular', is the attacker.

Here again we find the operatives using the word 'spectacular':
Eric Lichtblau: "...The report discloses that the Federal Aviation Administration, despite being focused on risks of hijacking overseas, warned airports in the spring of 2001 that if:
'...the intent of the hijacker is not to exchange hostages for prisoners, but to commit suicide in a spectacular explosion, ... domestic hijacking would probably be preferable."

Israeli news sources said that the dirty Mossad was 'documenting the event'; and they certainly did. The video ended up in the hands of al Qaeda.
The dirty Mossad needs its video footage of 9-11 to use as a leach to blackmail Washington al Qaeda members forever. Other nations and groups may 'hold it over the head' of Berzelius 'Buzz' Windrip to be used as leverage.

Did al Qaeda procure warnings about the September 11 attacks? Oh yes!
Entities that gave warnings:
(1) Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung (FAZ)
(2) Internet News Online
(3) French Intelligence
(4) Russian Intelligence including KGB top man Putin who warned the COD ' the strongest possible terms...'

'...Britain gives the US another warning about an al Qaeda attack...this warning specifies multiple airplane hijackings. This warning is included in Bush's briefing on August 6. (Sunday Herald 5/19/02)..." CooperativeResearch

"...A CIA official affirmed that:
'there was something specific in early August that said to us that [bin Laden] was determined in striking on US soil.' A major excuse given since 9/11 is that the Bush administration was focused on overseas attacks, and didn't expect a domestic attack...(AP 10/3/01)..." CooperativeReaserch

Those who would habor such thoughts are already in Bellevue - not holding high office in Washington.

'...The CIA issues a report warning the White House, Pentagon and Department of State that bin laden is intent on launching a terrorist attack soon, possibly inside the US. (Sunday Herald 9/23/01)...' CooperativeResearch

'We are going to be struck soon, many Americans are going to die, and it could be in the US.' Cofer Black, CIA (via Congressional Inquiry, 09/26/02)

Ehud Barak:
'If it is a kind of bin Laden organization..., I believe this is the time to deploy globally a concerted effort led by the United States...against all sources of terror...rogue states...rogue states like Iran, Iraq and Libya...our way of life will be threatened...isolate from the world every nation that is hosting ready with all the pain that comes with it...It's time to launch an operational concrete war against terror.'

Did the Military have the proper equipment to detect 9-11? Yes, yes, yes!
Nicky Hager, author of 'Secret Power' states:
'The ECHELON system, designed and coordinated by the U.S. national Security Agency (NSA) is one of the world's biggest, most closely held intelligence projects. Unlike many of the Cold War electronic spy systems, ECHELON is designed primarily to gather electronic transmissions from nonmilitary targets: governments, organizations, businesses, and individuals in virtually every country. The system works by indiscriminately intercepting very large quantities of communications and using computers to identify and extract messages of interest from the mass of unwanted ones...'

Could the Military intercept the craft? Oh yes!
'Controlling the aircraft from the ground is nothing new. The military has been flying obsolete high performance fighter aircraft as target drones since the 1950's. In fact, NORAD...had at its disposal a number of U.S. Air Force General Dynamics F-106 Delta Dart fighter aircraft configured to be remotely flown into combat as early as 1959... These aircraft could be started, taxied, taken off, flown into combat, fight, and return to a landing entirely by remote control, with the only human intervention needed being to fuel and re-arm them.'

Follow this piece done by Suelette Dreyfus (psychicspy) dated 11/17/99 almost two years before 9-11:
'The US National Security Agency has designed and patented a new technology that could aid it in spying on international telephone calls. The NSA patent, granted on 10 August, is for a system of automatic topic spotting and labeling of data...

The NSA's invention is intended automatically to sift through human speech transcripts in any language...

Bruce Schneier, author of Applied Cryptography, a textbook on the science of keeping information secret, believes the NSA currently has the ability to use computers to transcribe voice conversations...

To date, it has been widely believed that while the NSA has the capability to conduct fully automated, mass electronic eavesdropping on e-mail, faxes and other written communications, it cannot do so on telephone calls...The NSA relies on an international web of eavesdropping stations around the world, commonly known as Echelon, to listen into private international communications...

US Patent number 5,937,422 reveals that the NSA has designed technology to overcome these barriers...

The NSA current spy technology may be more advanced than methods described in the patent...'

The ACLU reported:
'A project of the United States Department of Defense, Total Informational Awareness (TIA) is designed to gather personal data on a grand scale, including emails, phone calls, financial records, transportation habits, and medical information. Its proponents believe that by scanning and analyzing this massive pile of data, government agents will be able to predict and prevent crime...

United States - Carnivore
This Internet surveillance program, which is currently being used by the United States government, is somewhat similar to ECHELON...

United States intelligence officials have developed two programs which many experts believe may be used...One of these programs, Oasis, automatically creates machine-readable transcripts from television and audio broadcasts...The other program, FLUENT, allows English-language keyword searches of non-English materials...

United States - TEMPEST
Reports have indicated the existence of another NSA project that is designed to capture computer signals...through walls or from other buildings, even if the computers are not linked to a network...'

"What the United States needs is the genuine friendship of a few allies like Britain, Mexico and Canada; not the ones bought from states like Israel, Russia and Pakistan; and other depraved mendicants who offer the 'fast food' type of cronyism. They take the cash in one hand and hold the dagger in the other. Incidentally, one has to 'keep his eyes on' the British." Whilimena

"When a man is grieved with another man, an entity or the State, he very often hates his nemesis' friends, family, property and country. He may then create war against a million, just to get at one person. He fails to understand that most of what or whom he hates, have nothing to do with his grief. Most sadly, is the fact that in many cases his nemises do not get scratched in the attacks."

"There are a few grave unsolved problems in the world that need attention before peace can rein. The correction of unsolved wrongs, and no other way. Eliminate the Racist, the Degenerate, the Bully and the Terrorist. We can never obliterate the Terrorist and leave the rest to terrorize us." Whilimena

"Make your life blot-free, picturesque and flawless like beautiful art. Have you ever noticed that painters do not generally paint garbage cans?" Anna Mary 'Grandma Moses' Robertson-Moses (1860-1961)

"If you can't catch kuache you catch im shut." (If you cannot catch your enemy, rub out his loved ones or his property.) From the Soap: 'Royal Palm Estate'

"Longfellow said, 'Love gives itself; it is not bought.' Mortals! Select your friends carefully. Don't pay them for it and don't let them charge you; as is the common practice. Avoid the crabs - firstly, they have claws all over their bodies to pierce you; and secondly, they like to pull down each other. Don't always follow frogs into smoke, because they can wind up their windows to protect their eyes. Though vulnerable, fight like a cat, and not like a dog, fight close to a tree, so that when 'push comes to shove' you can climb to safety. Ride the jackass but do not stand behind him. A bad friend is like the ass; instinct tells him to protect his rear and knock you down." Whilimena

"After Marcus Garvey freed the Negroes; they said, ' To hell with Garvey'." (From the documentary: The Promised Ship)

"So much of the information that is classified, should not be classified." Senator Richard Shelby

"All over the world, there is that little suspicion [about the evidence presented by the US regarding al Qaeda attack on Trade Center]." Dr. Zaki Badawi

"Any settler can go out and capture a hilltop and then I will be called to protect him [reluctantly]." Israeli Soldier

"They [settlements by Jews] are all illegal under international law and are fueling the conflict." BBC World

"Your day is gonna come." (From: Foundation for Better Life)

"The possibility of a counter-punch [by al Qaeda] is on everyone's mind." Jim Stewart, CBS

"Don't be afraid - be alert." Tom Ridge, Chief of Homeland Security

"A tribe which has just received a devastating blow, and wants 'a corps perdu' to retaliate; must maintain supreme intellect, composure and patience, while securing hard evidence before there be innocent bodies in many graves. Think! When you murder an innocent man, name two consoling statements that you can give to his family." Whilimena

"Believe every thing your friend tells you? Tell five persons that you have seen Zacheus. Now wait for five days, and hear how many other people will state categorically, that they have also seen him." Whilimena

"I cannot 'put my finger on it', but I often wonder about our race; our inability to withstand a few blows and 'keep on trucking '. When 'our ' leaders 'take a fall', decades past before another surface. In fact, we have had very few leaders with guts, like Garvey, Du Bois, King , Abernatty, Parks and Mandela." Whilimena

"Haste is not the tool to use when you are angry and hurt. Insist on patience and evidence. Remember, that it is not always the last man who quarrels with you, you has 'done you in'; especially, if you have been stockpiling enemies over the years. What do you do for the family of a man whom you have killed, only to ascertain that he was the wrong target?" Whilimena

"When a man is getting old and left wanting in terms of achievements, be it moral, education, opulence, or ability, he becomes anxious and torment because he wants to be the beneficiary of something. In fact, the 'anything ' will show to his heirs, cronies and family, that he left a legacy. This late haul may be a figurehead position in a charitable entity, a medal from politicians; or a seat on a useless commission. In his quest for this last hurrah, he will sell his soul, stoop as low as a snake, or as high as a crow." Whilimena

"From coast to coast, the Home of the Brave is on edge." 60 Minutes II, CBS

"A man who has very little to offer except his diploma, will always include 'qualifications' in his vocabulary." Whilimena

"If you commit wrong repeatedly and fail to correct it, constantly pointing only at your memises faults; you are either a criminal, an immoral, or mentally ill; not smart like you think."

"[US food drop over Afhganistan]... its a drop in the ocean...its not going to feed should be carried out by the World Food Program...its propaganda...the US clearly at this moment [is creating security risk]...most people have been fleeing...large numbers are on the move...[I am] appauled...and very disappointed...there is so much that we don't know..." Peter Marsden

"He [Musharraf] may have misread the signals given by the Americans." Paul Beaver, Security Analyst

"My engine level was pretty good in the first quarter." Michael Jordan

"Hunt these dogs [criminal human beings] down and get them off the streets." John Walsh, America's Most Wanted

"...that country [Afghanistan] is harboring the bad guys - level the country." Rudy Roach, Author

"Why do political loons display in full view to their enemies the locations of all key military installations, even during the threat of war?" Whilimena

"The United a fragile and volatile coalition." Liz Palmer, CBS

"[Bin Laden]...modern history's most ...photographed terrorist." 60 Minutes, CBS

"Confidence is fragile on Wall Street and on Main Street." Anthony Mason, CBS

"The Zionists would like you to think that they are a pure race. King David was a descendant of at least one non-Jew." Whilimena

"Some Blacks continue to lambaste the slavemaster for His atrocious enslavement of our forefathers. They are aboslutely right. However, we must admit that we have not really taken grasp of all the opportunities available to us, inspite of racism. We seem to love too much pleasure, and myth; and we lay blame on people for our every ill." Whilimena

"They say Mary Magdeline was a courtesan. No evidence can be presented. But this kind of behavior is typical of the Man. The same way He concoct stories about other people and ruin their characters." Whilimena

"I find it reprehensible that Zionists created a book laden with acts of immorality, criminality, racism, adultry, and tribalism - and then expect civilization to accept it as a book of God*." Whilimena
(*God: A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions.)

"In some mendicant countries when one hears about a commission of inquiry he can rely on a bareface farce; a replica of the most fraudulent inquiry, the Warren Commission." Whilimena

"The worthless attitudes of the prostitutes seem to have been xeroxed from the enchiridion given to them by the gangsters, who use these same prostitutes' behavior to chastise them when they fall out of line." Whilimena

"It does not seem that the politicians in Washington have good memories because they seem to fall into the same pit too many times. Too many 'friendemies*' that were bought seem to have turned their backs on Uncle Sam. Noreiga, Castro, Saddam, Stalin and bin Laden are prime examples. The lesson is - never choose enemy to assist you to destroy another. Never embrace an ally until he spells out his political philosophy. I have often defined those who always make the same mistakes several times." Whilimena
(*Friendemy: A person who acts like a friend but is really an enemy.)

"In determining the truth, the judge should use the 'Socratic method' because a coerced witness tend to slip when he is confronted with the impromptu questions." Whilimena

"If your friends have led you into ditch after ditch, and you have broken your rear-end as a result; and you continue to follow them like a leech; can we really call you smart?" Whilimena

"Faith must have adequate evidence, else it is mere superstition."
Archibald Alexander Hodge, Theologian

"The concerned men and women of the world will have to 'stabilize' the corrupt leaders of the Third World nations, and bring back sovereignty, morality, accountability and honesty. These nations are destined for decadence under the format of the first profession; the clamp that is holding down professional beggars." Whilimena

"[In Iraq]...more than a billion and a half of desperately needed shipment is on hold; including food, life-saving medical equipment to diagnose and treat cancer, and xray machines, heart and lung machines...agricultural equipment...The stated aim of the sanctions is to eradicate weapons of mass destruction. Just before last Christmas, the Department of Trade and Industry [in Britain] blocked a shipment of vaccines, intended to protect Iraqi children against yellow fever and diphtheria. The vaccines said the minister, are capable of being used in weapon of mass destruction...Dennis Holliday, former Assist Secretary General of the United Nations; the man in charge of the humanitarian operations in Iraq - in 1998 he resigned; accusing the West of destroying a whole society...When the US Secretary of State Madeline Albright was asked on American television, if she thought the death of more than half a million children was a price worth paying; she replied, 'We think the price is worth it'...While Western politicians quiggle about methodology, the latest United Nations study, says that the death rate of children has doubled...that's half a million dead in eight years...Sanctions have not hurt them, [Sadaam and asociates] in the slightest...tens of thousands of the most volunerable in the society, have died [and or] suffering as a result of the sanctions...Why aren't sanctions on Israel which has the only nuclear weapons in the Middle East?...Are they [sanctions] violating the human rights of millions of people?...The Chamber responsible for peace and security is neglecting the very provisions of the charter which forms the bases of the Organization...There is no democracy in the Security Council...Hans von Sponnick, the senior United Nations representative in Iraq, followed his predecessor Dennis Holliday; saying [that] he could no longer tolerate the suffering caused by sanctions...two days later the head of the World Food Program in Iraq...also resigned saying [that] she too could not tolerate what was being done to the Iraqi people.

How did he [Saddam] get his weapons of mass destruction; and who gave him such power?...By 1979...a leader the West could do business with - Sadaam Hussein. 'He was a son-of-a-bitch', said a CIA official; 'but he was our son-of-a-bitch'. This was no democrat -no agrarian reformer...In Britain the same 'love affair ' blossomed between the Thatcher government and Saddam Hussein. Cabinet ministers lined up to pay their respects and offered him trade deals...the ingredients of Saddam Hussein's biological weapons, often came from Britain and America...It was because the West had sold Saddam Hussein the means of making so many weapons of mass destruction; that when sanctions were imposed, the Security Council insisted [that] he destroy them...Most of the Iraqi soldiers and civilians who died in the Gulf War, belong to the Kurdish and ...peoples; the very people President Bush [George H. W.] called upon to rise up against Sadaam Hussein; and when they did rise up,...they were brutally betrayed...There is no point of principle here..." BBC

"Time and time again, well-meaning envoys like yourself, have been let down...Haven't they [Israelis] made a mockery of UN resolutions?" Lyse Ducet, BBC?????

"I told the Afhgans to swing together instead of sinking together." Francesc Vendrell

"I had to breach my own economic sanctions, so to speak." Dennis Holliday

"If you are poor in Jamaica and don't have power, life is cheap." BBC World

"The first thing you learn in the Academy - don't threaten anybody - no warning shots."
Frank Sinatra, Actor

"The Nothern Alliance is not capable of running a meat shop." (London Evening Standard Correspondent)

" 'We can rely only on ourselves,' was the statement made by Ariel Sharon. What an ungreatful mortal! The United States has given his group an inordinate amount of billions. This reminds me of the paranoid schizophrenics - the more you do for them - the more they want." Whilimena

"Shoot me or let my people go." Alexander (Chief) Bustamante

"I feel like I am 70 years old and I'm only sixty." Diego Maradona (41 years old footballer)

"The world is a messy place; and the messier it gets, the more work we have to do." Kofi Annan

"I use to read the Bible religiously and believed every word until I reach the chapters that claim that the Zionists were God's chosen people. 'God' according to the authors, (270 Zionist scholars) was always sanctioning the slaughter, maiming, displacement and oppression of other groups. This pseudographa lucidly tend to suggest that God originated racism and violence." Whilimena

"If I was asked to define an existing penal institution in some territories, I would spake thus: an institution manned by persons who did not get the opportunity to be criminals. Its personnel consists of families and cronies. It is a university that hatches willing criminals. Neophytes must tell what vicious crimes were committed to warrant entry; and sophomores gain adequate knowledge to mastermind complexed heists. It is a place of conflicts, fights, murders, stabbings, shootings, rape, sodomy, suppression, prostitution, horror, intimidation, abuse, and disease. It lacks a system of rehabilitation and it is geared for recidivism. In fact, it is no different than the mean streets. Their is very little protection for inmates. The system is designed that the convict is released in a worst condition than he went in. The imbroglio is that victims line up daily to send accused in, to learn criminality, and to return to reak havoc on society."

"If an alleged squeaky-clean Dick joins with Tom the criminal, to eliminate Harry another criminal; Dick did not actually pull the trigger, but how clean is Dick?" Whilimena

"The fall of Kabul is not the fall of Afghanistan." Francesc Vendrell, UN Special Envoy

"The one thing that is certain about war is total uncertainty." Simon Bates, Broadcaster

"In the fight against 'terrorism' the letting of dough will be a part of the show; while they deliver the blow and step on each other's toe. Many friendships will go; you will know your foe, not necessarily by the seeds you sow. Trickery will be a part of the show. The line, many will have to tow. Among many, hatred will grow; and there will be fighting even in the snow. Do not be surprised if even your crony becomes a crow." Whilimena

"Diogenes, the Greek Philosopher, warned us that it is prudent for one to maintain a distance between parties. I find it absolutely important to be friendly with friends, keep your enemies at arms length, and maintain only business relationships with persons in professional capacities."

"Some people claim to be good. I agree - they are simply good for nothing." Whilimena

"You [US] reap what you so." Placard in Iraq

"The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones." Shakespeare

"Exaggeration is a blood relation to falsehood, and nearly as blameable." Hosea Ballou, Clergyman

"There are some persons who would not for their lives tell a direct and wilful lie, but who so exaggerate that it seems as if for their lives they could not tell the exact truth."
Eusebius Paget, Clergyman

"Example is more forcible than precept - People look at my six days in the week to see what I mean on the seventh." Cecil

"My advice is to consult the lives of other men, as one would a looking-glass, and from thence fetch examples for imitation." Terence

"Example has more followers than reason - We unconsciously imitate what pleases us, and approximate to the characters we most admire. A generous habit of thought and action carries with it an incalculable influence." Bovee

"The are bad examples that are worse than crimes; and more states have perished from the violation of morality, than from the violation of law." Baron de la Brede et de Montesquieu

"Example is a dangerous lure; where the wasp got through, the gnat sticks fast." Charles Fontaine, French poet

"Fearless minds climb soonest unto crowns." Shakespeare

"Let us teach ourselves that honorable step, not to unto discretion." Shakespeare

"Experience is the extract of suffering." Sir Arthur Helps

"The man who can be nothing but serious, or nothing but merry, is but half a man." J. H. Leigh Hunt, Author

"Extreme views are never just." Tancred, Norman crusader

"The eyes of women are promethean fires." Shakespeare

"Only the actions of the just smell sweet and blossom in the dust." James Shirley, Dramatist

"A strict belief in fate is the worst kind of slavery; on the other hand there is comfort in the thought that God will be moved by our prayers." Epicurus, Greek philosopher

"We confess small faults, in order to insinuate that we have no great ones." Francois Duc de la Rochefoucauld

"In time we hate that which we often fear." Shakespeare

"I do not quote a man because he is tall, dark and handsome; because he passed an exam or two; or he is richest person in town." Whilimena

"To find fault is easy; to do better may be difficult." Plutarch

Do not speak your happiness to one less fortunate than yourself." Plutarch (40-120) Greek Philosopher

"A fickle memory is bad; a fickle course of conduct is worse; but a fickle heart and purposes, worst of all." Charles Simmons, Clergyman

"The exception proves the rule." John Wilson (1664)

"What a curious phenomenon, it is that you can get men to die for the liberty of the world [they] who will not make the little sacrifice that is needed to free themselves from their own individual bondage." Bruce Barton, author

"The King's english." James (Uncle Sam) Wilson (1560)

"Any war against these [Afghanistan] people is a just war." I. Duncan Smith

"Such a visit [by Tony Blair] would not happen under normal circumstances; would it?" Stephen Cole, BBC

"It has become evident that political office is attracting some unsavory characters. Though they want to be called honorable men, they mingle with a little thuggery now and again to suit their agenda. Stupid mortals succumb to this practice. But ask yourselves this question: 'Suppose your mother was video-taped committing a violent act, would you then take the microphone to announce that she has never done a sinful act?' Well then - if you wouldn't put up with atrocities from your mother, why put up with that of a total stranger? Are you under a spell of stupidity?"

"When she [Sarah Ferguson] is good, she is good; when she is bad, duck...She and her friends gained the reputation as pranksters...[She was] armed with few academic qualifications...Servants [like Sarah] did not aspire to do anything [such as] marrying a Royal...Sarah was a commoner...It was like a child in a sweet shop...She really dropped in the Royal round-about too quickly...She was a person to be ated...Sarah became nationally unpopular...Sarah and [Princess] Diana became united in their misery...Sarah and Diana discussed leaving their husbands together...She will never live them [disgrace] down...What they [herself and lover] saw in each other was narcissistic...She drank too much...Sarah's over draft reached six million dollars...For Sarah the fun was over...Sarah was indebted and disgraced...She actually suffered a nervous breakdown..." Biography

"It is the normal practice of a mortal to fear a fall. 'He' lives in a posh neighborhood and 'he' loses 'his' job, broken up with a lover, or is divorced. Instead of humbly seek an affordable situation, 'he' will stay atop of a tree and feed on berries because 'he' does not want to go back to where 'he' came from." Whilimena

"A word of warning to potential prospects in a divorce: avoid the lawyers; they do not mind the disgrace; they want a good percentage of the loot. After divorce, many 'hawks' will decend on you for sex or money. Very often these 'admirers' do not really want you. Their interests may be because you have become volunerable, and or abandoned and that you will catch on to any straw. Avoid getting into one affair after another; just because you do not want to seem unwanted. Have you recalled the experiences of Diana and Sarah? Stay single for a while and away from the affairs; especially with the one who caused the break up of your marriage. Do not allow your intimate unmarried friend to baby-sit your children. It attracts anger from your former spouse. Learn from your mistakes and enter into a friendship for love and compatibility." Whilimena

"Did the mass of men know the actual selfishness and injustice of their rulers, not a government would stand a year. The world would forment with revolution."
Theodore Parker

"Ingratitude is monstrous." Shakespeare

"I did not give it [charity] to the man, but to humanity." Aristotle

"Eighty percent of our criminals come from unsympathatic homes."
Hans Christian Andersen, author

"Something is radically wrong with world's Third World paupers. Though one cannot get rich without opportunity, he can follow the strategies of the gangsters to success even without capital: always create a workable system. Anything you do, do it professionally; do not involve yourself in too much myth, seance and gossip; instill patriotism in the citizenry; do not sell out your country-men for crumbs and hand-me-downs; avoid tribalism; ensure performance from your rulers. If they do not, have them recalled immediately. Don't let them borrow too much. And finally, copy the formula of Great Britain; maintain the value of your currency at all cost." Whilimena

"Fraud and deceit are ever in a hurry...Great haste makes great waste." Ben Franklin

"Wisely and slow; they stumble that run fast." Shakespeare

"Ask any mortal what should be done about someone who kills. Ask him again what should be done about himself or his family who kills another. Now compare the answers." Demades (458-318BC) Athenian orator, statesman & philosopher

"Think that you have a very good friend? Let a man offer to buy him from you for twenty pieces of silver." Siculus Diodorus (150-31BC), Greek philosopher & historian

"Though I am always in haste, I am never in a hurry." John Wesley (1703-1791) Founder of Methodism

"There is a relentless effort by certain elements to maintain by force, the belief in Christianity and the Diaspora. Who forces one to accept good? Only people that love you. Therefore any stranger who forces you to accept something, has some ulterior motive in mind."

"There are three fools that one does not want to meet. The thief, the liar and the dunce.
The thief will steal the milk out of your coffee; the liar, he will sent you to prison for a crime you did not commit; and the dunce, he will lead you into a speeding train." Whilimena

"Malice sucks up the greater part of her own venom, and poisons herself." Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (1533-1592), French Essayist

"A lie, thought to be killed and dead, can sting sometimes - like a dead wasp." Anna Jameson, author

"Where there is room in the heart there is always room in the house." Thomas Moore

"We are shaped and fashioned by what we love." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) German philosopher & Scientist

"Little things are great to little men." Oliver Goldsmith, Philosopher, Poet, Dramatist & Novelist

"In literature today, there are plenty of good masons but few good architects." Joseph Joubert, Moralist

"Let your literary compositions be kept from the public eye for nine years at least." Horace (65-8BC) Roman Philosopher & Poet

"The million little things that drop into our hands, the small opportunities each days brings. He leaves us free to use or abuse and goes unchanging along His silent way." Helen Adams Keller (1880-1968), Lecturer & memoirist

"To make good use of life, one should have in youth the experience of advanced years, and in old age the vigor of youth." King Leszinski Stanislaus

"Liberty and union, one and inseparable, now and forever." Daniel Webster, Orator & Statesman

"When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom, the gentler gamester is the soonest winner." Shakespeare

"Some will never learn anything because they understand everything too soon." Sir Thomas Pope Blount

"To be proud of learning is the greatest ignorance." Bishop Jeremy Taylor

"Lawyers on opposite sides of a case are like two parts of sheers; they cut what comes between them, but not each other." Daniel Webster

"If you divorce capital from labor, capital is hoarded, and labor starves." Daniel Webster

"I never was ruined but twice - once when I gained a lawsuit, and once when I lost one." Francois Marie Arouet Voltaire, French Philosopher

"We ought to be trying to sell America [USA]...We should put the money we are spending on bombs in advertising." Andy Rooney, CBS

"Sarah Ferguson - she was the Slick Willy of Britain." Whilimena

"I am ready to sacrifice six more [of my] sons for the causes of Islam." Protestor in Afhganistan

"When you were a prosecutor I used to beat your ass regularly like a drum." Brian (Charlie) Dennehy, Actor

"Our failure in life is lack of memory. Not remembering how we got to stardom - through the blood and sweat of folks like Washington, Jefferson, DuBois, King, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, Mandela, and Annan; to name a few. Today we revere popular political goons who have created more hostility, than wild animals in Africa." Whilimena

"Knowledge and timber should not be much used until they are seasoned." Oliver Wendell Holmes, the elder (1809-94)

"Let us recall some great men who are fighting for our rights." Burning Spear, Recording artist

"Garvey was of the opinion that black people should have dominion over the wealth that we generate." Matubaruka, Dub poet

"While I believe that one should be honored for his outstanding service, I reject as a farce, the systematic politicizing of the awards." Whilimena

"Freedom is in the eye of the beholder." Allan Pizzy, CBS

"Why should you travel with the politician blindfolded if your sight is 20/20? Tell him that you want to see where you are going. Ask him why he should have information and withold it from you. When he tells you that the information is classified, tell him to cross out names, places, numbers, and pictures and give you the rest. Why? Trust alone is folly." Whilimena

"Everything that happens in war is psychological." Colonel Tom Normand

"Every time there is a war, propoganda is used to fool the fools; and every time there is another war, the fools are so simple, that they are fooled again." Whilimena

"Everybody [governments] wants to be first, but the question is - first with what?...Governments have a way of slicing the truth..." Prof. Marvin Kalb

"It seems that the lifting of sanctions these days have more to do with the accused agreeing to commit prostitution than his conformation to the rules of the said sanctions." Whilimena

"Anthrax anxiety has become a plague of its own." CBS

"When we claim that we cannot be wrong, we are telling others about our brush with the paranoid form of insanity." Whilimena

" A really great man is known by three signs - generosity in the design, humanity in the execution, moderation in success." Prince Otto Eduard Leopold von 'Iron Chancellor' Bismarck (1815-1898)

"Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, to all the souls you can, in every place you can, at all the times you can, with all the zeal you can, as long as ever you can." John Wesley, Founder of Methodism

"Their kitchen is their shrine, the cook their priest, the table their altar, and their belly their God." Charles Buck, Clergyman

"Our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." Goldsmith

"The first and last thing required of genius is the love of truth." Goethe

"Genius is a superior aptitude to patience." Georges Louis Buffon, French naturalist

"It is one of the severest tests of friendship to tell your friend his faults. So to love a man that you cannot bear to see a stain upon him, and to speak painful truth through loving words; that is friendship." Henry Ward Beecher

"Make not thy friends too cheap to thee, nor thyself to thy friend." Thomas Fuller

"False friends are like our shadows, keeping close to us while we walk in the sunshine, but leaving us the instant we cross into the shade." Bovee

"He that hath no friend, and no enemy, is one of the vulgar; and without talents, powers, or energy." John Casper Lavater (1741-1801), Swiss Theologian

"He alone has lost the art to live who cannot win new friends."
Silas Weir Mitchell, Author & neurologist

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." Goethe

"When out of sight, quickly also out of mind." Thomas A. Kempis, Scholar

"There is a foolish corner even in the brain of the sage." Aristotle, Greek philosopher

"When flatterers meet the devil goes to dinner." Daniel DeFoe, Author & Journalist

"A fickle memory is bad; a fickle course of conduct is worse; but a fickle heart and purposes, worst of all." Charles Simmons, Clergyman

"Barnum said that there is a fool born every minute. I say every second, because though one is fooled every time, he still seem to suck up the next trick hook line and sinker." Whilimena

"Sometimes when we are speaking to others and we are 'certain' that they know what we are talking about; stop! Though you think they know, they may not, so tell them so that they may follow the discussion." Whilimena

"Something always seem to be missing after your visitor is gone. You swear that a missing item has been stolen, especially after your thorough search. 'That thief !', you say. And all of a sudden, alas! There it is. You've found it; and you feel so ashamed of yourself." Whilimena

"Some people say they will give anything to support a worthy cause. What they really mean is that they will give anything, never. Once their roll call come, or once they have put in something of any significance; they get cold feet; and forget that Abraham was about to give his son for a cause." Whilimena

"Many people think that the rudeboy Rudi did it again when he rejected US$10M simply because of the remark by the donor, that US foreign policy in the Middle East is unfair. Isn't it the exhibition of ignorance that one becomes impatient when he is criticized?" Whilimena

"Waste not, want not. Wilful waste makes woeful want." Saint Basil (329-79 AD) Bishop & Philosopher

"The virtue of Paganism was strength; the virtue of Christianity is obedience." Hare/Charles, Devines

"Who overcomes by force hath overcome but half his foe." John Milton, Poet

"If you cannot inspire a woman with love of you, fill her above the brim with love of herself; all that runs over will be yours." Caleb C. Colton, Clergyman

"Is it the Christian or the Heathen who is to be believed?" Whilimena

"Vanity is the foundation of the most rediculous and contemptable vices - the vices of affection and common lying." Adam Smith, Economist & Philosopher

"If someone tells you that Brutus is going to harm you, and, because you are so knowledgeable, you cannot be advised on anything from anyone; then all you have to do is prepare to be stabbed in the back." Whilimena

"If it is the truth - what does it matter who says it?" Anon

"No trial, no jury, you've got to take 'em [Taliban & bin Laden network] out." Gene Simmons, Actor

"Four disciples of the Al Qaeda Network received life sentences." CBS

"What we want is action [from the Palestinians]." Avi Pazner

"Operations that were illegal prior to September 11th are now on the way." BBC World

"What a damn farce. World democratic leaders decked out in communist garb at Shanghai's Apec Summit, simply to gain support for the war on the yet to be defined ' terrorism'. I am sure that as soon as they took off those silly-looking jackets, they said: 'To hell with these worthless Chinese commies.' " Whilimena

"In the Middle East the more things change, the more they remain the same." David Hawkins, CBS

"If the Taliban are feeling the heat, they are showing no signs." CBS

"Is China friend or foe? It is probably neither." Wyatt Andrews, CBS

"We have given Russia nothing except foreign debt and bad advice." Steve Cohen, New York University

"The only time Afghans unite is when they are firing at foreigners." Tom Fenton, CBS

"The leader of Venezuela's Roman Catholic Conference of Bishops accused President Hugo Chavez of 'State Terrorism'." AFP

"A reporter unfortunately cannot be one of those idiotic patriots. He reports the facts; not necessarily what the politicians want him to report. In a war for example, each side seeks to promulgate his own propaganda; including his countrymen." Whilimena

"Don't change Muslims way of life." Placard in Pakistan

"It is an imbroglio how little prostituting politicians can take money from the gangsters to sell themselves and even their mothers; without showing one ounce of remorse." Whilimena

"When some mortals talk their breath may smell good, but their words stink. If we say that we should deny our enemies freedom of opinion, the press, religion and political beliefs; how can we say that those are the things that we need for ourselves?" Whilimena

"My experiences with certain tribal mortals have been very disturbing. In the Third World nations situated in the Balkans, Africa, West Indies and South America, logical and philosophical thinking among the majority of the citizenry is rare commodity. If you tell a tribalist that his leader says 2 and 2 become 4; he immediately agrees. But, if you tell him that one of the opposing tribes regard 2 and 2 as four, he immediately disagrees." Whilimena

"You are enforcing the laws of your politicians - men you know very little about until they enter politics. You say you are doing your job; but do you ever think about the causes behind the crimes perpetrated; the terror your employers have unleached on people for centuries? Question is: How do you evade carrying out illegal laws?" Whilimena

"I won't be baptised but I will be a Christian. I will be a Christian in my own way...If there is any place the church should leave alone, its a man's soul...A woman doesn't think at all. She gets stirred up over the most confounded things...I'm not going to be baptised this morning, or any other morning...They can't keep me out of heaven on a technicality? (Later) I'm going to be baptised..."
(From the movie: Life With Father)

"To prosecute can be a degenerative activity. A prosecutor who has a degenerative mind can wreak havoc on humanity in the name of law enforcement. Take the case of little Kelly Welch whose doctor claimed that his death was not from natural causes. The Prosecutor made the charge but later accepted a plea that gave the accused probation. She said she did not do it, and he did not look for anyone else. All his interest was to get a conviction. In fact, most of these persecuting degenerates want their personal satisfaction - not to find and punish the guilty." Whilimena

"If knowledge [about Anthrax] is in short supply; confusion is certainly not." CBS (Oct. 2001)

"These very popular frauds - giving verbatim accounts of the way God 'spake' to mortals. They cannot explain however, why the said God who used to get involve in many things; suddenly leave his people on a running unmanned and unprogrammed train." Whilimena

"How can Negro states like Togo, Niger, Mali and Benin be accused of slave-trading in 2001? This brings me back to my old statement; that the 'white man' could not, and is not doing his thing without the assistance of a few of us. Majority of Negroes seem to be prone to most temptations." Whilimena

"Personally I differentiate between resistance and terrorism...The issue of terrorism should have been tackled before...The treatment starts from defining this term [terrorism]...Terrorism...has no head...Some associate the Middle East issue with terrorism...We cannot separate terrorism...To see with one eye is half truth...The Arab community cannot see international terrorism if it cannot see Israeli terrorism..." Bashar al Assad, Syrian President

"I do not doubt your theory; but since God gave me my own brain, when I listen to some of your theories, I would not wish to show acclamation until you give me solid proof."
Dorothy Rothschild Parker (1893-1967)

"An intelligent observer could plausibly conclude that had September 11th not occur, the presidency of George W. Bush would have crumbled."

"It is evident that many Third World leaders can be likened to a group of man's best friends - you know - their mentality at the dinner table, and the females during mating season." Whilimena

"Witnesses, Blacks or Whites, see what they want to see."
(From the movie: 'With Savage Intent')

"Hollywood - fools think it is a place of fantasy. I think that it is a place that teaches, advises and trains the mind. If an observer looks at some of its movies like 'Wag the Dog', and 'Hunt for Red October', among many others; he will come to the conclusion that Hollywood is a place that could capsize some political units in Washington, DC." Whilimena

"I am a pacifist who concedes that occasionally, there may be the need to perform a precise surgical operation to remove a troublesome 'gallstone'. I abhor however, the systematic and haphazzard practice of warmongers who plunder the entire body to see if they can find the disease. Especially, if the patient's disease is caused by the said warmongers."

"Evidence of the degeneracy of tribalism can be traced to Burundi. Two tribes of Blacks named Tutsi and Hutu. They look the same - they are the same nationality; but their minds are festered with the delusion that they are different. Thus, they slaughter each other like pesty flies."

"I often wonder - if two hundred thousand people slaughtered in a country [Burundi]. Law and order is definitely out of control. Isn't this cause for the United Nations to send in troops? On what grounds could the UN avoid interference; and on what grounds could the nation cry 'sovereignty'?" Whilimena

"One man said to me: 'You pacifists are idiots. Terrorists murder almost three thousand in New York and you're talking about peace?' I responded: 'Is that so? Suppose a few KKK men murdered six thousand Blacks, would you sanction the retaliatory killing, by Blacks, of twenty thousand families and friends of Whites?' Would you give approval for the police to shoot down all the people in your house to catch one robber hiding in your back yard? He did not give me an answer. The moral of this story - We cannot kill some innocent people because someone killed some of our innocent people. Find the killers and punish them." Whilimena

"Patriotism should be a science - not an act. Take the demented Jew who goes out and capture Arab land against the will of the UN. His fellow Jew who is in the army and opposes this action, will still have to defend him by order of the Israeli government." Whilimena

"There is no doubt that this will sound controversial; but I strongly believe that Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro and Daniel Ortega are more dangerous than al Qaeda. The former are people who will 'take out' humanity, while the latter will 'take out' the 'enemy'." Whilimena

"We are apted to talk about the attitudes of others; yet we fail to identify our unbearable faults: connivingness, tribalism, racism, coveteousness, warped syllogism, warmongering, intolerance; among many." Whilimena

"Modesty is the citadel of beauty and virtue." Demades (458-318BC), Athenian, philosopher & statesman

"The attack on the World Trade Center was a dastardly act which caused the lives of many innocent persons. But isn't the way it always happen; the culprits who deserve it never really feel the wrath of the revenger; who always seem to carry out his malicious acts on persons who have nothing to do with his anger." Whilimena

"He that wants money, means, and content, is without three good friends." Shakespeare

"The pursuit, even of the best things, ought to be calm and tranguil." Cicero (106-43BC)

"Even God cannot change the past." Agathon (447-401BC), Greek poet

"If I were not Alexander, I would be Diogenes." Alexander, the Great (356-323BC)

"The more alternatives, the more difficult the choice." Abbe D'allainval (1700-1753)

"There's a sucker born every minute." Phineas T[aylor]. Barnum, Circus Impresario

"I, John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood." John Brown, American abolitionist (1800-1859)

"The people have little intelligence, the great, no heart...if I had to choose I should have no hesitation in choosing the people." Jean de la Bruyere, French Essayist & Moralist (1645-1696)

"Peaceably if we can, forcibly if we must." Josiah Quincy, Patriot (1744-1775)

"Fools got together years ago to kill and maim. Their propaganda then, was to fight a war 'to end all wars'. Since that time there have been hundreds of wars - and the old fools still are going back to war". Whilimena

"Not one single Afghan was involved in the atrocities on September 11th."
Paul Marsden, MP, Great Britain

" was a black day...I really wondered if we were doing the right thing [demolishing Germany]...all wars carry many disappointments...disappointments are inevitable in war..." Lord Deedes, WWII veteran

"...We were all young fools in those days...I wanted to get wounded to get out of it...I got one bath...We never thought of it [getting killed], just like the burglar never think that he will get caught." Doug Roberts, WWI veteran

"There must be a water shed in the degenerative mentality of today's political thugs. They must begin to show the olive branch; instead of displaying the constant fig leaf after they are caught meddling in dirty tricks." Whilimena

"George's only true friend seem to be his 'Ambassador' to Britain, little Tony; a man who anyone would need as a faithful friend. I seriously wonder thought, about the 'Ambassador's' schizo-affective personality. Whether his 'leeching' on George is not to take advantage of United States generousity with cash and kind; and whether his hatred for Muslims is not fueling his urge to fight 'terrorism'. If he really wanted to help George, his first task would be to tell the Jews to obey the UN resolutions." Whilimena

"Brimstone and fire should burn out the tunnel vision of today's mortals who seek and harbor friendship solely because of the quid pro quo system." Whilimena

"There has never been real wars since the Civil War - when real men went on the battlefield and slugged it out - taking blows and giving blows. That was war. Today's cowards stay miles away and drop bombs and leaflets, threatening the enemy with death and destruction. A warmonger must go down to the ground and blast gunfire. Draw his sword or daggar and fight to let his blood spill like the river Nile. Throw grenade to hurt, and have grenade thrown back him to blast off his hands and feet. A man who goes to war must lose all his limbs and most of his men so that he will think twice about returning to another war. These are the words of a pacifist who is tired of the wars." Whilimena

Song of the invaded:
"Oh fools why do you like to lose
He's afraid of your eye's blink, more than you think
Use your head and you'll trike him dead,
And place his pocket in the red
Take the 'heads' and bad news you spread.

Create false leads because his greed to succeed
Will force him on to a wild stampede
Produce false 'mocks' and listen out for strikes on hard rocks.

Use the press, but don't let it get you in a mess
You will loose ten thousand men taking strategies from CNN
Never wonder about the propaganda, it is there to slander
Ignore the leaflets with the death threat,
Remember, war is won during a lot of sweat.
If you are freightened by mere words,
You will get what you deserve.

The time you spend sitting around
you'll be better off digging far underground
To continue to get your 'sound' abound.

Strategic ways must be found to shift the mobiles tightly bound
out of town.

Information that is free may get you on your knee
This you will clearly see.

Hunker down without a sound
Stay underground with one eye looking around.

Don't initially waste your AAA
You will fire until you are grey
His plan A is to stay far away and 'spray'
Hoping that surrender, one day, you may.

Air attack is what he'll use to break your back
Stay under the sack and don't waste your flack
Soon he'll think that the will you lack
He will be forced into 'house-to-house, near your sack
Then, when you hear your door knock
You open up and destroy the pack.

Get your ' tools' out of harms way,
Because you will need them for another day.

Do not shout your mouth, if you have no clout,
Of what I speak you should have no doubt,
Do not follow those who tout,
If militarily you cannot deliver the amount.

Hide all identifiable material
Or you'll certain see your funeral
Don't push out your head until you have digested what I've said."
Anonymous Source

"We believe that [the killing of an abortionist] is justifiable homicide."
Reverend Donald Spitz, the Army of God sect

"I abhor totally - the wanton transition of innocent 'New Yorkers' by murderers who may or may not be, our loving church-going neighbors. I abhor totally also, the retaliatitory method used to smoke out innocent multitudes as retribution." Whilimena

"The Bible says: 'Thou shalt not kill.' Then answer this question: 'How can worthless churchmen who use this book as their daily working tool, sanction hanging and war?' " Whilimena

"What angers me enormously, is the bareface manner in which official thugs operate with full backing of the law - two boys smoking marijuana get suspended while the seller goes free; a young man found with a gun gets the maximum sentence while the gun manufacturer and the seller go scotch free; it is illegal to use kerosine oil stove in a State, but the said stove is sold legally on your street; thousands of victims of gun crimes, yet guns are sold legally like bread around the corner, under the stupid premise that 'it is not the gun, it is the user'. Have you heard that a man was shot by a knife?" Whilimena

"While we all clearly understand the urgent need for the politicians to 'tighten our belts' with those of the ' terrorists' and their associates; we should not allow them to be tightened so much that we die from asphyxiation? You see - the question may be asked: 'Did a politician every tighten his belt?' "

"There's got to be something going on why the prices [of gas] are so low."
(Lady at the gas pump via CBS, Nov. 9, 2001)

"In today's corrupt world, some credentials are not worth the paper their are printed on. An employer may want to hire a man based on his performance in lieu of his diploma. You see - achievements in college now depend on whether you are black, white, rich, or poor; and whether you are affiliated to politics, homosexuals, and tribes." Whilimena

"Mr. Bloomberg has volunteered to take a measly pittance for his salary. Why would an extremely busy billionaire take up the second most difficult job in the United States; one which he has absolutely no experience? Evidence of patriotism, or is there a hidden agenda?

"...The influence of factious leaders may kindle a flame within their particular states, but will be unable to spread a general conflagration through the other states; a religious sect may degenerate into a political faction..." James Madison (The Federalist, Number X)

"If a Jew gets into the White House at 9 in the morning; a gas chamber will be installed for the Arabs at 10 in the evening." Whilimena

"If it was my mother who demolished the Twin Towers and killed so many innocent mortals, I would punish her. If it was the terrorists, I would. And believe me - if it was one of the patriots, I would too - no reprieve. You get my drift?" Whilimena

"Today's Hosea-preachers ignore the slitting of throats and the bludgeoning of men, women and children via television and movies; but then they jump to action when there is the slightest form of any nudity or sex. Afraid that someone else may be enjoying one of their favorite pastimes?."

"Are some clinicians fostering the behavorial patterns of the schizoprenic by prescribing medication and offering therapy, on a permanent basis, in order to justify the necessity for the psychotrpics?"

"Worthless mortals walk pass the mentally ill on the street corner every day - he is dingy, hungry, some times naked and of danger to himself, other persons or property. These same fools give millions to groups which play ball. Ask these pillars of the community why they do not address the plight of this 'mad man'; and they give degenerative types of responses such as: ' They want to be there.' ' They are lazy.' 'They deserve to be there.' I wish to ask them this question: 'If you condone the lifestyles of this man, living in such a deplorable condition; who filts in garage bins and other areas surrounding the city; are'nt you just like him?' " Whilimena

"I hope we do not forget how Hollywood and the politicians have consistently portrayed Indians and Arabs as fighting nomads. Therefore, it did not take much to get these kinds to jump on the bandwagon to obliterate terrorism and identifying the Arabs as the terrorists. I am sure that when the Indians were aggressively fighting for their land, they were called terrorists too."

"It doesn' t matter who you are, I believe that I would only give you a certificate of performance, if you actually passed the test. And to avoid you filling out the certificate for your own benefit, I would print one at a time, and complete it immediately. There are too many idiots out there with false certificates." Whilimena

"If he looks Italian, associate him with the Sicilian mafia; if he black, associate him with the Ghetto, a thief, the Weather Underground, the Black Mafia, Black Muslim or Jamaican; if he looks like an Arab associate him with bin Laden and Saddam; if you turn on your gas stove one minute before you light it, and when you do it blows out your brain, blame it on the terrorists - neat little dirty tricks that work well." Whilimena

"Every man wants action - but you will be surprised to know that he wants action against you, not against himself and his cronies." Whilimena

"The lexicographer defines terrorism thus: ' The political use of violence or intimidation'. In many countries around the world governments are using violence and intimidation for political gains."

"The Russians have never lost a deal with the wild West. In the second world war they hijacked millions of acres of land, gold and cash. In the Geo H. W. Bush's Gulf war, they again hijacked 7 billion dollars; and in the ' terrorism' war, they intend to get even more. Geo H. W. Bush caused the Iron Curtain to crumble out of the hands of the commies, and into that of the terrorists. The son, George W. Bush entered the White House 'by the skin of the teeth', and he didn't spend but a few months in office before it began to crumble. So what do the 'Bushes' and Vladimir Putin have in common? Putin is a subtle career espionage agent with skills in successful doublecross - the two Georges are like hen track specialists in calligraphy, filled with failures and much emotionalism. In a duel, they will even pay their opponent to loose a fight." Whilimena

"Safety can be a slippery word in war." Byron Pitts, CBS

"Bin Laden...kiss my...Irish ass." (Uniformed New York State employee, via prime time CBS news with Dan Rather, November 12, 2001)

"A pat on the back for some terrorists and a bullet in the head of others. Question is, while you wine and dine with the eradicator and think every thing is honky-dory; you should think seriously, which of these two terrorists you are. And, is it your turn next?" Whilimena

"In Afghanistan wars are not won, they are endured." Byron Pitts, CBS

"If we can understand your anger. Why can't you [US politicians] understand our anger?"
(Muslim woman via Panorama, BBC)

"Ironically, some of the so-called Northern Alliance terrorists should be facing the International War Tribunal; not forming a government in Afghanistan." Whilimena

"Is there a moral dilemma in making alliances...whose record have been...shabby?...I'm talking about countries like Pakistan and Russia...I was just suggesting that we push our principles..."
Tim Sebastian, Hardtalk, BBC

"Tom is a well respected citizen - but a pillar of salt (in disguise) in the community. He speaks philosophically about situations in which a stranger, Dick is wronged. However, when his friends Harry and Dick fall in arms way, the babble that comes out of his mouth, you would think that he is a paranoid schizophrenic." Whilimena

"Who would not give a trifle to prevent what he would give a thousand words to cure?"
Edward Young, Poet

"As a general rule, people who flagrantly pretend to anthing are the reverse of that which they pretend to." Bulwer-Lytton

"It is not juggling that is to be blamed, but much juggling; for the world cannot be governed without it." John Selden, Statesman & Attorney

"God heals and the doctor takes the fee." Ben Franklin

"As our inclinations, so our opinions." Goethe, German philosopher, & scientist

"While the gangsters are meticulously hammering out treaties to benefit themselves only; the prostitutes are picking up crumbs and care not one iota how to get in on these international policy-making bodies." Whilimena

"Our patriotism is uncanny. If you sit and talk to us and tell us about cruelty of Muslims; and the need for punishment, we will agree without hesitation. However, if you show us that the politician has a dagger, to gouge out our, you know where; we will be reluctant to suggest any punishment."

"The bad guys will have to be 'shaken up' once in a while." Dr. Roderick C. Meredith

"What surprises me most of all is the surprise of those who say that they are surprised at the attack on the World Trade Center. The same persons who are surprised, are the same ones who fed us daily accounts of the devious skills of the terrorists. It shows how naive we say we are."

"We, the good, have hugged skunks, reptiles, snakes, muggers, and counterfeits to reach our goals. We have also sought to sleep in the pouches of the marsupials." Whilimena

"My experience...has been that any ship that is capable of carrying nuclear weapons, carries nuclear weapons. They do not off-load them when they go into foreign ports such as Japan or other countries. If they are capable of carrying them they normally keep them aboard ship at all times except when the ship is in overhaul or in for major repairs...Finally, even if we unquestioningly accept that nuclear weapons were not present except where their presence was specifically confirmed by authorities, we must still consider accidents of this type to be serious and relevant to the nuclear accidents problem. The absence of these weapons at the time of accidents can be considered good fortune, but we must realize that the presence of nuclear weapons would not have prevented the accidents." Admiral Gene La Rocque (Retired)

"The beneficial prospects associated with the development of nuclear energy have been widely publicized. On the other hand, discussions of the unpleasant aspects have been limited almost exclusively to technical meetings and publications." Professor George Weil (1955)

"Chemists and engineers were not interested in dealing with waste. It was not glamorous, there were no careers; it was messy and nobody got 'brownie points' for caring about waste." Carroll L. Wilson (US-AEC, June 1979)

"There are a few dangerous ' tools' in the hands of egotistic mortals: uranium-235, uranium-238, plutonium-239 and Gamma rays. Gamma rays can penetrate iron and concrete. Your body components such as stomach, brain, bone marrow, testes, lung and other parts are fragile to radiation. Warmonging mortals can blow up the earth by just getting a little more silly. These mortals, left unchecked, will ever try to use the bombs to kill, maim and contaminate humanity." Whilimena

"At one point, officials at the Peach Bottom nuclear power plant near Philadelphia feared that their reactor had sprung a leak; so rapidly were their radiation counts rising." New Scientist (1976)

"Many years ago, people never died of cancer, but in recent years they have been dying this way. Some people say it is because of the testing [of nuclear weapons]." International Herald Tribune

"Facts are facts. A few deaths have occurred...[as a result of nuclear weapons testing]."
Qian Xuesen, Chinese Military Officer (1986)

"[Nuclear weapons]...accidents have occurred...which released radioactive contamination because of fire or high explosive detonations." DNA (Defense Nuclear Agency)

"The possibility of a fire at a nuclear weapons accident is very prominent. This will present an extremely hazardous environment because of radioactive, toxic, caustic and explosive materials contained in nuclear warheads and components." US Navy

"I was extremely anxious to have the [Trinity] test carried off on schedule. I knew the effect [it] would have on the issuance and wording of the Potsdam Ultimatum." General Leslie Groves

"At first I was thrilled. It was a vision. Then a few minutes afterwards, I had goose flesh all over me when I realized what this meant for the future of humanity...The new powers represented a threat not only to mankind but to all forms of life...One could foresee that nothing was immune from the tremendous powers of these new forces." I. I. Rabi (New Yorker, October 21, 1975)

"The single bomb exploded in New Mexico contaminated the air over an area as large as Australia." NY Times (May 23, 1946)

"More mortals extinguished in two days than the amounts of several wars - even more than all terrorists have rubbed out in a century: Hiroshima - August 6, 1945, time 8:15 am - weapon, an uranium bomb with 13,000 tons of TNT, dubbed 'Little Boy'. Casualties, approximately 136,000 (45,000 first day and 19,000 within four months.)
Nagasaki - August 9, 1945, time 11:02 am - weapon, a plutonium bomb with 20,000 tons of TNT, dubbed 'Fat Man'. Casualties approximately 64,000 (22,000 died on the first day, and 17,000 in the following four months.)" Whilimena

"...every aspect of Operation Crossroads* was fraught with danger for the 42,000 people present."
Colonel Stafford L. Warren
(*Operation Crossroads consisted of two nuclear bombs detonated on the Bikini Island in 1946.)

"There is no question there was a great deal of a fall-out from the weapon. I was frightened and appalled to hear there were troops in the trenches." Internation Hearld Tribune (January 26, 1978)

"[Operation Smokey was]...the dirtiest of the tests we covered...There is no question there was a great deal of fall-out from the weapon. I was frightened and appalled to hear [that] there were troops in the trenches." Dr. Karl Morgan, Radiation Safety Expert

"Are the nuke freaks responsible for the widespread cancer and leukemia epidemics? (See Irene Allen v. USA)" Whilimena

"This [nuclear activity] creates an interesting new class of citizen: ' virtual uninhabitants'. Their voting density is slight - they are politically safe - and virtually expendable..." San Francisco Chronicle

"With these numbers, this case could qualify as an epidemic. The conection between fall-out radiation and cancer in individual cases has been practically impossible to prove conclusively. But in a group this size you'd expect only 30-some cancers to develop...I think the tie-in to their exposure on the set of The Conqueror would hold up in a court of law." Prof. Bob C. Pendleton

"Overall...the attempts to ensure Aboriginal safety during the 'Buffalo' [nuclesr test at Maralinga] series demonstrate ignorance, incompetence and cynicism on the part of those responsible for that safety. The inescapble conclusion is that if Aborigines were not injured or killed as a result of the explosions, this was a matter of luck..." A Commission's Report

"They tell you that they are testing nuclear weapons and you are safe. The 'safe' stands for:
'Sucker Accepting False Encoding '. Your great, great, great, great grandchilden will be at risk, because, take plutonium for example; it's life is 24,000 years." Whilimena

"[The clean-up]...complicated matters both physically and politically. I go along with estimates that there was about 20kg of plutonium buried in shallow graves. Now perhaps one kilo has come to the surface - both as dust and in rather lumpy pellets - to be blown about by the desert winds, perhaps scattered by as much as a mile in several directions." Dr. John Symonds, Historian

"...the authorities' confidence in the safety of the Christmas Island tests does not take into account the fact that...a number of the safety precautions concerning radiation were either inadequate or ill-observed. There is also a possibility that a number of men thought to have been in no danger, were inadvertently put at risk." Fields of Thunder

"...small hazards of leukemia and multiple myeloma may well have been associated with participation in the nuclear weapons program..."
National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB)

"From the beginning of the testing program in our islands the United States has treated us like animals in a scientific experiment for their studies. They come and study us like animals and think of us as 'guinea pigs' ." Judge John Anjain

"We are very angry at the US and I'll tell you why. Have you ever seen born looking like a bunch of grapes, so the only reason we knew it was a baby was because we could see the brain? We' ve had these babies - they died soon after they were born." Katherine Jilej, Midwife (From the Rongelap and Utirik islands)

"Plutonium-contaminated smoke escaped from the plant for half a day, and high levels of radioactivity were found in both the schools that were checked downwind." Dr. Carl Johnson

"It [bomb] blew out the side and top of the garage just as my boy ran inside with me...The timbers were falling around us. There was a green foggy haze, then a cloud of black smoke. It lasted about 30 seconds. When it cleared up, I looked at the house. The top was blown in and a side almost blown off...I always wanted a swimming pool...and now I've got the hole for one at no cost. I may open it to the public. Charge them for swimming in uranium-enriched waters." Walter Gregg, Mars Bluff, South Carolina

"Long before I received your letter I was worried about the fate of the Polynesian people. I have been fighting against all atomic weapons and nuclear tests since 1955. It is aad to learn that they have been forced on the inhabitants of your islands. Yet I knew that the French Parliament would not come to your assistance. The deputies do not have the courage to resist and they do not dare to oppose the military brass who are determined to undertake nuclear tests in your country. Those who claim that these tests are harmless are liars. Who could have imagined that France would be willing to deliver its own citizens to the military in this manner?" Dr. Al Schweitzer, Laureate

"The atomic warhead apparently dropped [in Jackson Township, NJ] into the molten mass that was left of the missile, which burned for 45 minutes." New York Times

"[Regarding radioactive material] There's nothing here that could hurt you, but it could hurt your grandchildren." Mother Jones (April, 1981)

"...the US Air Force was unprepared to provide adequate detection and monitoring for its personnel when an aircraft accident occurred involving plutonium weapons in a remote area of a foreign country." Major-General Del Wilson

"[The job of the nuclear ship is] break down political, legal, and psychological barriers to the use of nuclear energy. We want her to show the world that the atom can be put to work at sea like any other source of power." John Robb, Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)

"All the Thule* workers who were in the clean-up, they're all old men now. My husband [Ole] is only 49 but he's an old man now." Sally Markussen
(*Thule is in Greenland. USAF SAC B-52 Bomber the 'Hobo 28' crashed there in 1968.)

"A major disaster was turned into a classic-example of international co-operation...The seemingly insurmountable task of recovering and removing all traces of the accident proves again that truth may be stranger than fiction - and fully as exciting." Major-General Dick O. Hunziker

"The monitoring of vented radiation tells us much about the government's attitude towards nuclear risks. Whenever an underground test takes place, the Air Force...and some privately contracted planes are standing by to travel alongside the escaped fall-out cloud and track its movements. The existence of the planes is proof enough that the government expects accidents."
Colonel Ray E. Brim (Retired)

"There were eight doctors hovering round me. Four of them gave me a 50-50 chance to live. The rest wouldn't say anything." Harold McCluskey, The Atomic Man

"If we don't stop the use of nuclear-power sources travelling over our heads, we're likely to wake up one day with a nuclear reactor landing on our heads." Congressman George E. Brown (1989)

"We are operating almost totally in the dark. [Governor Thornburgh's] information [about the Three Mile accident] is non-existent, mine is ambiguous. It's like a couple of blind men staggering around making decisions." Joe Hendrie, Chairman, Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

"The bottom line is that nobody really knows how much radiation escaped [at TMI]."
Professor Ernest Sternglass

"People were exposed to higher doses [of radiation] than were acnowledged...There were 'hot spots' in the area [around TMI] which were not detected, simply because the plume does not always do you the favor of landing on a detection instrument." Dr. Bernd Franke

"People around here are dropping like flies. Every day, it gets worse and worse. It's no longer a question of whether that plant [TMI] has had an impact. It's just a matter of who gets hit next, and when." Jane Lee, Resident close to the TMI.

" eyes started to pinch me...I couldn' t see for more than 10 feet." Marie Holoaka, The Atomic Woman?* (*Marie underwent 6 operations and 39 radiation treatments.)

"...the accident at Three Mile Island was infinitely more dangerous than was ever made public."
Admiral Hyman Rickover

"The jewel of the Indian nuclear crown is also the world's worst performing nuclear power station. It is estimated to be the most polluted atomic power plant in the world...The toll it extracts from its workers, measured in total human-rems, is the highest known anywhere in the world in relation both to its wattage and energy generation." New Delhi CSE report (1986)

"The DAE got hold of unskilled and illiterate laborers from a nearby village, and made them get into the highly radioactive water in order to retrieve the plug. No one knows what radioactivity doses the men received but it is reasonable to conclude that they must have been very high,"
New Delhi CSE report

"The tragedy of the CANDU-type reactors is that they are dependent on heavy water which in turn depends on smooth running of fertilizer plants which in turn have to work with erratic supply of electricity if they rely on nuclear power plants. It's a perfect vicious circle." Nagesh Hegde, Science Journalist

"I knew I was going to die. I knew we were all going to die. I only wanted to somehow make sure I'd die first. I didn't want to have to witness the horror of so many others dying...I looked up to see yellow-white chunks of debris firing from the silo into the darkness overhead. The chunks gently floated several hundred feet up, then rained back down into the silo; and on to the surounding ground. As the giant sparks fell, a mass of pinkish-orange flames rose out of the silo, over the treetops and high enough to be seen for miles." Reporter, Arkansas Democrat (Quoted in the Times, September 20, 1980)

"Considering all of the costs involved...nuclear plant steam generators are likely to go down in the annals of American business as the biggest product failure ever." Public Citizen (1987)

"I am deeply concerned about the possibilities of accidental explosions of military ordnance, including nuclear weapons." Dr. Theo Taylor

"...numerous spills and leaks of radioactive materials have contaminated the ground water and surface water, eventually discharging into the Illinois and Arkansas rivers." National Regulatory Commission (NRC) report via The Progressive (March, 1986)

"You are always a target when the wicked knows that you are weak." Vegetius

"It is Chernobyl that has destroyed us. And the future? It is grim, so grim."
Walter Roznovsky (via Guardian, May 20, 1986.)

"The [nuclear] accident in Goiania had a great psychological impact on the Brazilian population...Many people feared contamination, irradiation and damage to health; worse still, they feared incurable and fatal diseases...Some of the inhabitants...were discriminated against, even by their relatives, and sales of cattle, cereals and other agricultural produce, and of cloth and cotton products - the main economic products of Goias State - fell by a quarter in the period after the accident." International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report of 1988

"The chickens have finally come home to roost and years of inattention to changing standards and demands regarding the environment, safety and health are vividly exposed to public examination daily. I am certainly not proud or pleased with what I have seen over my first few months of office." Admiral James Watkins

"There is continuing controversy regarding the numbers of persons killed by these bombs [Little Boy and Fat Man]. The numbers of civilian casualities estimated by the Joint Commission not include military casualties, nor survivors with late effects. No data concerning military casualties, which must have been large at Hiroshima, are available." Takeshi Ohkita, MD

"The gangsters at the United Nations must consider themselves monarchies who have doublevision. One sad view shows hundreds of depraved Third World subordinate mendicants with big, long and empty sacks; but the other view shows hundreds of servants who will be here to serve great grandchildren. Conclusion - the thrones are safe." Whilimena

"Misdirected aggression - one of our common vices which is holding us down. We always fail to place the blame at the feet of the aggressor. Drunk driver knocks down Tom and scars his face; and Harry and Dick scorn and laugh. Unexploded ordnance blow off Harry's foot; and Tom and Dick scorn and laugh. Dick loses his toe because airplane engine drops on him, and Tom and Harry scorn and laugh. Dick, Tom and Harry now sitting on a bench licking their wounds, and the public scorn's and laugh." Whilimena

"Man is a reasoning rather than a reasonable animal." Alexander 'Little Lion' Hamilton

"The test of every religious, political, or educational system is the man that it forms."
Henri Frederic Amiel (1821-81)

"The saddest failures in life are those that come from not putting forth the power and will to succeed." E.P. Whipple (1819-86)

"I would prefer to climb a totem pole and take its advice, than to take that of today's politicians."

"A politician is suffering from the 'Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder' syndrome, if he is carrying his sack opened for the crumbs. He tends to forget the past and will inevitably fall into the same sinkhole." Whilimena

"I have a little story for political fools. A man came to town one day and told you that he was looking for a big hairy black dog that bit his cat. He proceeded to chop down trees, overturned your furniture, dug holes and rolled over stones in his search. You intervened and showed him obstacles and damages to be incurred in his pursuit - i.e., to your crops, accidental wounding of the farm-hands, big stone rolling over to smash grandma's hut, and even his men falling into a sinkhole. Though you may not know this; but his sole motive was to catch the black dog at all costs."

"Christians! Get up off your 'hiney' and cry out for justice, peace, food, medicine and shelter for the poor. Do not just attack books, acts and films dealing with sex." Whilimena

"The US may pay a higher price just to wipe out his [bin Laden's] legacy." Diana Olick, CBS

"The political tribesman on the crusade to spread positives, does not want to hear the negatives about him and his party; though he is making absolutely no effort to create positives. 'You are negative', he asserts. But note that he never say that you are wrong." Whilimena

"I' ve got to do better than that [earning popularity due to anthrax letter] at the end of my tenure."
Senator Tom Daschle

"Mr. Bush is not our boss!" (Self-imposed tribal governor in Afghanistan province, who gained office due to the bombing by the Bush Administration.)

"I will stay with the few essentials that I indelibly like; money, food, fire, water, truth, justice, love and good health." Whilimena

"Whose war is right? The terrorist kills innocent people because he has declared war on his nemises. The Established Society kills innocent people because it too has, from time to time, declared war on its nemises. Both say that the rules of the game change in war to allow for the innocent who are killed, to be classified as collateral damage. Whose collateral is more expendable? The problem is that war will never cease because we always seem to murder people who do not have anything to do with our hurt. Their children and grand-children grow up to condemn the killers; and thus new terrorists, and more wars The question is: 'If you kill my father, and I kill your father in revenge; am I a terrorist or an avenger?' " Whilimena

"Some Third World nations can be thought of as Daniel, while others may be classified as a rat. Daniel was in the lion's den, and he got out. The rat is in the lion's den and he does not know how to get out. Even though the lion cannot catch this rat, occasionally the latter is trampled by chance." Whilimena

"Once upon a time I sincerely wanted to be a patriot, until I figured out that the patriot is nothing but a slick scoundrel. He is only concerned with the citizens of his country. I reasoned that Adam and Eve were the first two mortals, according to the Christians. And I reasoned that every man and woman on earth are members of my family; descendants from the first couple; even those with pug noses, and others with noses sharp like swords. Short and tall, thin and fat, ugly and pretty; we are all from the same forefathers. Then, I concluded that I will never tribalize my family by calling myself patriot." Whilimena

"In today's political arena, the more crooked and cunning you are; the more you are honored. Degeneracy pervades every fabric of the society. In the old days when men thought of killing each other they would probably go behind the out-door toilet to discuss their plans. Today, they are on public television vowing to kill and maim. And they get the applause from the Christians in the crowd." Whilimena

"Fool. Revised definitions: (1) a person who is fooled permanently because he does not have the capacity to know or ferret the truth. (2) a person who is fooled temporarily because he does not have his hands on contrary evidence. (3) a person who is fooled because he does not want to know the truth." Whilimena

"The incident at Jornada del Muerto has gone down in the annals of history as one of the most dastardly acts against mortals. Fall out contaminated many, and was detected as far as Santa Fe, Las Vagas, and Colorado. And why? Because General Groves wanted to control the meeting at Potsdam. I find that Generals Groves and Marshall were two military animals who would plunge the entire world its transition." Whilimena

"Patriotism my foot! Between the police, robbers, domestic quarrels, gang warfare, abortion, motor vehicle accidents, quack butchery, food poisoning, drugs and alcohol; we have murdered more of our own people than many foreign terrorist groups have done to us." Whilimena

"...the tests [on Christmas Island] has probably caused an increase in the level of cancer among the Australian population in general, and among Aborigines living near the test sites, and thousands of servicemen and civilians directly involved with the tests, in particular." A Commission Report

"The UK discharges more radioactivity into the sea than any other nation...The anxiety and controversy which this well known. It also creates anxiety in other nations. We found, for example, that the Swedes could identify radioactive traces in fish off their coast being largely attributable [to fall-out from the UK], greater even than the contamination from adjacent Swedish nuclear power stations. Similar experiences were reported to us by the Isle of Man government..." HCESC (House of Commons Environment Select Committee)

"The plot concocted to scare Senator Tom Daschle into ideology and compliance, backfired and his popularity skyrocketed." Whilimena

"Negotiate. Revised definitions: (1) intense discussions if the enemy has nuclear weapons (2) battering of chests and display of egotism with very little discussions when we think we may only get hurt by a few pieces of fragments from the nemisis' weapon (3) absolutely no discussions when we know that the enemy has a mere cache of archaic rifles, loud mouths and they love to run and hide." Whilimena

"We allow ourselves to be smothered by our friendships. As a result our judgment becomes impaired when we must make decisions regarding these friends." Whilimena

"What amounts of murders are reasonable during a retaliatory strike? Tom and Dick murdered 100 of Harry's men. How many should Harry murder in response; 100, 5000, 30,000, 45,000, 100,000? What about a million? How about killing a million and starving five million? How many men in the camp of Tom and Dick actually took part in the original unslaught? What level of mentality determines the response? Do you strike at specific targets, or do you just wipe out an undeter-mined number? And when Harry completes his rounds of murders, aren't the associates and families of Tom and Dick vowing another attack?" Whilimena

"...the question is whether it is a strategic alliance or whether its just for this operation [war on terrorism]...He [Putin] has full control of the media in Russia...and he can manipulate [the people]...Putin understands the real value of his steps...It wasn't a war about terrorism [in Chetchnyia] was about every body...From what starting point we are going to start this fight [terrorism]?...He [Putin] is preparing himself for more reasonable negotiations..."
Grigory Yavlinsky, Russian Opposition Leader

"I understand clearly that the church should not lock its doors to members who are involved in bad deeds. The aim is to bring them to God. But I find it reprehensible that a preacher can accept a man into a church service, who has just sent men into battle to kill, maim, rape and destroy. Lately some church men have been making the 'holy place' available for political meetings and bashments." Whilimena

"Never waste your time to take advice from someone who depends solely on you for his daily bread." Whilimena

"Have you ever really observed the so-called 'decent citizens' rubbing shoulders with thugs, and then be so impertinent to demand homage from us?" Whilimena

"Has the evidence of mighty bombs, sophisticated guns, grenades, swords, arrows, sticks and big stones averted violence? No. It has not, and will not. And if you take my advice, peace is the only way to go." Whilimena

"Terrorist. Revised definition: (1) an ethnic group (not including the Jews) who takes drastic action to avenge injustice (2) a member of the paranoid schizophrenics who ignore pleas to avert injustice; and he who punishes a complainant, who, after suffering from 'litigant's dementia', resort to drastic action (3) A welfare State which refuses to stay in its place, and exhibits intransigence during a discussion with the master (4) A person or group resisting injustice." Whilimena

"In life I find that the mortal with the most rugged heart; one who engages in the most vicious acts; the one who always 'dish out' the maximum sentence, is the brute who needs the most sympathy when he falls in harm's way." Whilimena

"...putting guns on planes borders on the lunatic fringe." David Willis, BBC

"You can listen to a fool when you are sober because you have the opportunity to scan the bag of garbage for nuclear waste. However, the last thing you want to do is to take advice from such a fool in time of trouble. Then, your magnet attracks; its repelling effects limited, and you are vulnerable. Even a jackass may fool you." Whilimena

"Since September 11th, if a politician lick's off his big toe and fall into some dirty water, he blames it on the fall of the Twin Towers." Whilimena

"Remember this prophesy." Mullah Mohammed Omar

"Fools! Isn' t anyone of you going to look into the causes of some forms of terrorism. And Fools! If you do not, then all one has to do is to poke you in the eye, wait for a while until the public forgets. In the meantime he will ignore your plea for medical care; and when you attack him in revenge, he cries terrorism and poke out the other eye." Whilimena

"I abhor all forms of violence, even my violence." Whilimena

"In modern warfare one has to use the 'David and Goliath' scheme. Stealth is the weapon of choice. Your little 'sling-shot' can do great damage by finding the nerve spots of the enemy and poking them out. You need to get 'invisible' and you must be silent. Most of all keep your big mouth shut and step lightly, but firmly." Whilimena

"These worthless gun dealers have gotten a boast to sell guns like hot-cakes since September 11th. Anti-gun activists now mask their views because we are fighting terrorism. The problem I have with the new gun craze is that thugs do not carry placards identifying their specialities; and gun dealers have absolutely no qualms about selling a weapon to a thief. We will be arming crooks to disarm us. Because, as you may recall, mortals have a history of fighting the enemy and then turning the guns on themselves." Whilimena

"If I were a violent man, I would smash all mints, melt all coins and burn all notes. Why? So that the political prostitutes could then get their sovereignty back." Whilimena

"Where has God been during the twentieth century? I do hope that he'll wake up in the twenty-first. The millions of mortals killed by politicians and their goons, uniformed and otherwise, have been catastrophic for our small planet. Almost 99% of human beings were innocent; and wait! We have started the twenty-first century with more slaughter." Whilimena

"I would like to do one big favor for mindkind. I would construct a special jail and noose. Then I would call for all warmongers, and each man who has killed more than one mortals. After I have punished them, man would hold the largest conference on peace." Whilimena

"To have the United States at our side was to me the greatest joy. Not at this very moment I knew the United States was in the war, up to the neck and in to the death. So we had won after all!...Hitler's fate was sealed. Mussolini's fate was sealed. As fotr the Japanese, they would be ground to powder." Winston Churchill (Letter to the geek)

"At approximately eight o'clock on the morning of december 7, 1941, I was leaving the breakfast table when the ship's siren for air defense sounded. Having no anti-aircraft battle station, I paid little attention to it. Suddenly I heard an explosion..." Marine Corporal E.C. Nightingale

"Pearl Harbor. Attack was 7:53am. Lasted until 9:55am. Total 2,403 dead, 188 planes destroyed, 8 battleships damaged or destroyed. This catastrophe would make any American angry. But, did Roosevelt have prior knowledge of the attack. Was it a sacrifice fleet?" Whilimena

"Pakistan's conspiracy against Afghanistan has failed." Ahmed Massood

"Pakistan - will have its head crammed with thorns lying in a bed of nails, after the war in Afghanistan." Whilimena

"Why is everybody [in Afghanistan] at each others' throat?" Tim Sebastian, Hardtalk, BBC

"There will never be equality until women themselves...make laws."
Susan B[rownell] Anthony (1820-1906) Suffragist & Feminist

"War is cruelty." General William Tecumseh Sherman

"The age of the buy out, sell out, rub out, fall out, hide out, stake out, pass out, bow out and phase out, is showing its ugly head. If you trust anyone except your mother and father, you need to get your head examined." Whilimena

"An economy [of Afghanistan] must be built on something other than opium poppy trade." CNN

"Where a mortal shows happiness on the outside, look carefully, because there may be grave sadness in the inside; possibly the contemplating of suicide." Whilimena

"I sit on a man's back, choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am very sorry for him and wish to ease his lot by all possible means - except by getting off his back." Count Leo Tolstoy, Russian philosopher & writer

"Let him who desires peace prepare for war." Vegetius, 4th century AD

"Father, I cannot tell a lie, I did it, with my little hatchet." Geo Washington

"Great thoughts come from the heart." Marquis Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

"Come up and see me sometime." Mae West

"Scratch the Christian and you find the pagan - spoiled." Israel Zangwell (1854-1926)

"Life is just one damn thing after another." Elbert Hubbard

"The almighty dollar, that great object of universal devotion throughout our land, seems to have no genuine devotees in these peculiar villages." Washington Irving

"Tis the star spangled banner;... long may it wave, O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave." Francis Scott Key (1779-1843) Lawyer & Poet

"We were saying yesterday [five years ago]." Luis de leon

"Help yourself, and heaven will help you." Jean dela Fontaine (1621-1695)

"It is a silly game where nobody wins." Thomas Fuller

"What experience and history teach is this - that people and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it."
Georg Wilhelm Hegel, German philosopher

"The life so short, the craft so long to learn." Hippo Crates, Greek Physician & philosopher

"Scholars dispute and the case is still before the courts." Horace, Roman philosopher & lyric poet

"Victory at all costs, victory long in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival." Winston Spencer Churchill

"Let wars yield to peace, laurels to paeans." Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman philosopher & Orator

"The dodo never had a chance. He seems to have been invented for the sole purpose of becoming extinct..." Will Cuppy (1884-)

"All we ask is to be let alone." Jefferson Davis

"The good die early and the bad die late." Daniel Defoe

"There is an art of reading, as well as an art of thinking, and an art of writing." Issac D'israeli

"The Jews, a headstrong, moody, murmuring race...No king could govern nor God could please." John Dryden

"The people have little intelligence, the great no heart...If I had to choose I should have no hesitation in choosing the people." Jean de la Bruyere

"My hair is grey, but not with years, nor grew it white in a single night." Lord Byron

"Don't relinguish right-doing, even in dreams." Pedro Calderon de la Barca (1600-1681)

"What I tell you three times is true." Lewis Carroll

"The way to resumption is to resume." Sal Portland Chase (1866)

"These tedious old fools." Shakespeare

"True nobility is exempt from fear." Shakespeare

"Let us be sacrificers, but not butchers." Shakespeare

"For Brutus, as you know, was Caesar's angel." Shakespeare

"When a man marries, dies, or turns Hindoo, his best friends hear no more of him."
Mary Godwin Wollstonecraft Shelley

"The fate of books depends on the capacity of the reader." Terentianus Maurus

"Always show your front to the world." Moliere, French Playright

"It is my turn now, and if I come back, it is yours." Admiral Horatio Viscount Nelson (1758-1805)

"Meet the disease at its first stage." Persius (34-62) Roman philosopher & writer

"Beware of the dog." Petronius

"ing down the curtain, the farce is over." Rabelais, French philosopher & writer (Pronounced Rebelay)

"As the french say, there are three sexes - men, women and clergymen." Reverend Sydney Smith

"Daniel Webster struck me much like a steam-engine in trousers." Reverend Sydney Smith

"To know all, makes one tolerant." Madame DeStael

"Strike him so that he can feel that he is dying." Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (120AD) (Pronounced swetonius)

"It is human nature to hate the man whom you have hurt." Publius Cornelius Tacitus, Roman philosopher & historian

"I am Davos not Oedipus." Terence, Greek born, Roman philosopher

"Two important men went from the lowest to the highest; Mandela and Garfield. Garfield from log cabin and Mandela from the big house." Whilimena

"In socialist states politicians will give you an award if you fit the description, can spell your name, recite the aphabet, and believe in the same hostile philosophy. There is always an old washed up artiste getting a medal." Whilimena

"Cleaning the mines on the most heavily mined country on earth [Afghanistan], can take a generation." BBC World

"One does not necessarily have to go to foreign terrirory to find a terrorist." Whilimena

"Mediators have a history of leaving here [Middle East] empty-handed." BBC World

"Some Third World mortals! Their uncanny ability to exhibit transmutation -- transforming from a butterfly to a worm; only that they do it in sixty seconds; depending on the skills of the reformer or the amount of cash in hand. Surprisingly though, no cash nor skill of reformer, can change their indelible habits of complaisance, tribalism, corruption, and the inability to emerge from the pits of poverty." Whilimena

"The Man attempts to treat you depending on how you treat your brothers. And historically, our treatment of our brothers has consistently been disgraceful." Whilimena

"Government is the problem." Ronald Wilson Reagan

"I know this is like asking someone to move Saint Helens to Everest, but, the United Nations should set standards for war. For example - the protection of the rights of the person who surrenders and throws down his arms; mass destruction of property, mass slaughter of the enemy by unconventional means, (sticks against guns, knives against arrows, for example), trial of all war criminals regardless of who the criminal is, the clearing of mine fields, the protection of refugees, and rebuilding of the demolished infrastructure." Whilimena

"I firmly believe that if the American people get hold of the evidence; statements given by Special Assistant O'Donnell, Jackie, Chief Curry, Lyndon B. Johnson, the SS, the FBI, the Commission, Robert Kennedy, Captain Ftitz, Oswald, Jack Ruby, and the autopsy reports, we could conclusively find the murderers of John F. Kennedy." Whilimena

"The so-called gens du monde, sitting in their high chairs dishing out injustice to the peons; raping their women, beating down the poor, terrorizing their souls, and engaging them in slave labor. In some domains paupers earn less than one dollar per day. Isn' t this terrorism?"

"This is indeed the most tragic hour in American history." Senator John Warner

"Is it mental illness that indelibly warps the minds of mortals, that they suffer severely from the gun, yet fail to eradicate it from the irresponsible civilians in the society - that each man suffers and cries and laments for nine days, forgets the past, and gets right back to normal until the next tragedy?" Whilimena

"Don' t think of retiring from the world until the world will be sorry that you retire." Samuel Johnson

"Terrorism now, so anti-gun activists ignore the arming of Dick, Tom and Harry. But we forget that during Columbine we adamantly wanted to get rid of the guns in the hands of the home-grown thugs. When an incident of similar nature occurrs, will we cry out for disarmament again?"

"Death-bed repentance is burning the candle of life in the service of the devil, then blowing the snuff in the face of heaven." Lorenzo Dow , Clergyman

"What you dislike in another, take care to correct in yourself." Thomas Sprat (1636-1713), Author

"Beware of desperate steps." William Cowper, Poet

"Insist to reading the great books." A.P. Stanley

"Rank is a great beautifier." Bulwer-Lytton

"A thing is never too often repeated which is never sufficiently learned."
Seneca, Roman Stoic philosopher & writer

"Vulgar persons can' t sit still." Oliver Wendel Holmes

"The punishment of criminals should be of use; when a man is hanged he is good for nothing."
Voltaire, French philosopher & writer

"If it has to choose who is to be crucified, the crowd will always save Barabbas." Jean Cocteau

"Philosophy is the art of living." Plutarch, Greek Philosopher & Biographer

"Philosophy consists not in airy schemes or idle speculations." James Thomson, Poet

"I'm proof against that word failure." George Eliot [Mary Ann Evans]

"The way of the world is, to praise dead saints, and persecute living ones."
Nathanial Howe, Clergyman

"As to the future grandeur of America, and its being a rising empire under one head, whether republican or monarchial, it is one of the idlest and most visionary notions that was ever conceived even by a writer of romance...The mutual antipathies and clashing interests of the Americans, their difference of government, habitudes, and manners, indicate that they have no centre of union and no common interests. They can never be united into one compact empire under any species of government whatever; a disunited people till the end of time, suspicious and distrustful of each other, they will be suspicious and distrusful of each other, they will be divided and subdivided into little common-wealths, or principalities..." The Dean of Gloucester Cathedral (1783)
(Writer's note: The same way we think of people today, that was how others thought of us in the past.)

"...there never existed a more miserable set of beings than these wretched creatures [US loyalists to Britain]." George Washington

"...we have a Congress or no. The scituation of Congress is truely deplorable...I cannot see there remains any necessity for keepin up a representation in Congress, in our present scituation, all we can possibly do, is to recommend, which is an old state device no better than the wish of a few individuals relative to publick concerns." Stephen Mix Mitchell, Representative, Conn. (1786)

"I fear the Greeks even when bringing gifts." Virgil, Roman philosopher & Poet (70-19 BC)

"Whose house is of glass must not throw stones." George Herbert, Devine & Poet (1640)

"No fool like an old fool." John Heywood (1546)

"As fit as a fiddle." William Haughton (1616)

"I have noticed with keen interest how Christian mortals laugh when the enemy is killed. One could easily misconstrue the merrymaking to be thanksgiving in some quarters." Whilimena

"The world has changed, we're told. All enemies can work together." BBC World

"There could be hope to defeat terrorism for good, if the crusaders would just agree to look into their terror of the past, and stop reigning terror on the disadvantaged." Whilimena

"If I could help it, I would prevent any more thugs from becoming heroes. And, I would unearth the remains of all heroic thugs and burn them with disinfectant and gas." Whilimena

"Are we any better than the terrorists, really? Brood seriously and honestly for a moment. If you were to count the atrocities dished out to yourself, your friends and your family; what percentage of your hurt would you ascribe to the terrorists?" Whilimena

"Today a knave can commit any act of aggression, keep his head high, shoulders straight and maintain his false honor, so long as he effectively pins the blame on others, and use the public naively, to make it stick." Whilimena

"One of the most grave inefficiencies of man since the beginning of time, is his inability to place himself in other people's 'shoes'. A known symptom of anti-social personality disorder."

"Every single man applying for a crucial job as politician, police, prosecutor, preacher, judge, counselor, teacher, guide, chauffeur, pilot, inspector, clincian, caregiver, lifeguard, security guard, babysitter, mother, and cook, should undergo a thorough psychiatric evaluation and psychological assessment; to determine if he is more fit to enter the alms house, whore house, dog house, big house, court house, or the mad house; rather than unleashing him to wreak havoc on a vulnerable society." Whilimena

"Let a man proclaim a new principle. Public sentiment will surely be on the other side."
T. B. Reed

"Very few public men but look upon the public as their debtors and prey."
Johann Georg Zimmerman, Swiss physicist

"Today's politician is amazing - he is a fool and he is clever. He tries the same tricks on the voter every time. He doesn't even change the script, and he seems to win every time. Who vote for him? Fools!" Whilimena

"Government owes its birth to the necessity of preventing and repressing the injuries which associated individuals have to fear from one another." Abbe Raynal (1711-96), French philosopher & historian

"Friendship, love and piety, ought to be handled with a sort of mysterious secrecy."
Novalis (1772-1801) [Friedrich von Hardenberg]

" be a politician you need only to study your own interests." Max O'Rell (1848-1903) [Paul Blouet], French soldier & writer

"Why do you think that the aggressor does not demonstrate that he recognizes the need to give you reprieve? Oh! He does alright; but it is because he does not think that you are equal to him. And thus, he believes that you do not deserve it." Whilimena

"An example of modern warfare was exhibited at the 'battle for Kunduz' ? One group striking virtically at 45 thousand feet, and the other, horizontally 5280 feet, on the radio begging the enemy to surrender." Whilimena

A most informative and compelling piece written by Gerard Holmgren:
"Astute observers of history are aware that for every notable event there will usually be at least one, often several wild conspiracy theories which spring up around it...
... a small but gullible percentage of the population eager to lap up these tall tales, regardless of facts or rational analysis.

One of the wilder stories circulating about September 11th -- and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs -- is that it was carried out by nineteen fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they 'hate our freedoms.'

Never a group of people to be bothered by facts, the perpetrators of this cartoon fantasy have constructed an elaborately woven web of delusions and unsubstantiated hearsay in order to promote this garbage across the internet and the media to the extent that a number of otherwise rational people have actually fallen under its spell...

These crackpots even contend that the extremist Bush regime was caught unawares by the attacks, had no hand in organizing them, and actually would have stopped them if it had been able. Blindly ignoring the stand down of the US air-force, the insider trading on airline stocks -- linked to the CIA -- the complicit behavior of Bush on the morning of the attacks, the controlled demolition of the WTC, the firing of a missile into the Pentagon and a host of other documented proofs that the Bush regime was behind the attacks, the conspiracy theorists stick doggedly to a silly story about nineteen Arab hijackers somehow managing to commandeer four planes simultaneously and fly them around US airspace for nearly two hours, crashing them into important buildings, without the US intelligence services having any idea that it was coming, and without the Air Force knowing what to do.

The huge difficulties with such a stupid story force them to invent even more preposterous stories to distract from its core silliness, and thus the tale has escalated into a mythic fantasy of truly gargantuan should be noted that one of the curious characteristics of conspiracy theorists is that they effortlessly change their so called evidence in response to each aspect which is debunked. As soon as one delusion is unmasked, they simply invent another to replace it, and deny that the first ever existed. Eventually, when they have turned full circle through this endlessly changing fantasy fog, they then re-invent the original delusion and deny that you ever debunked it, thus beginning the circle once more...

The suspension of disbelief required for this outrageous concoction is only for the hard core conspiracy theorist. For a start, they conveniently skip over the awkward fact that there weren't any Arabs on the planes... With vague mumblings that they must have been using false ID -- but never specifying which IDs they are alleged to have used, or how these were traced to their real identities ... if they used gas in a confined space, they would have been affected themselves unless they also had masks in their luggage.

"Excuse me sir, why do you have a box cutter, a gun, a container of gas, a gas mask and an electronic guidance unit in your luggage?"

"A present for your grandmother? Very well sir, on you get."

"Very strange", thinks the security officer, "that's the fourth Arabic man without an Arabic name who just got on board with a knife, gun or box cutter and gas mask...and why does that security camera keep flicking off every time one of these characters shows up? Must be one of those days I guess..."

... if they used credit cards that identified them, how does that reconcile with the claim that they used false IDs to get on to the plane?...

Hmm? So they got on board with false IDs but took their real passports with them?..."Well, why aren't they on the passenger lists?" "You numbskull! They assumed the identities of other passengers!" And so on...

"... how come their passports survived fiery crashes that completely incinerated the planes and all the passengers? "... its just one of those strange coincidences, those little quirks of fate that do happen from time to time. You know, like the same person winning the lottery four weeks in a row. The odds are astronomical, but these things do happen.

...another favorite deductive method of the conspiracy theorist. The 'improbability drive', in which they decide upon a conclusion without any evidence whatsoever to support it, and then continually speculate a series of wildly improbable events and unbelievable co-incidences to support it, shrugging off the implausibility of each event with the vague assertion that sometimes the impossible happens -- just about all the time in their world. There is a principle called 'Occam's razor' which suggests that in the absence of evidence to the contrary, the simplest explanation is most likely to be correct. Conspiracy theorists hate Occam's razor.

Having for the sake of amusement, allowed them to get away with the silly story of the nineteen invisible Arabs, we move on to the question of how they are supposed to have taken over the planes.

Hijacking a plane is not an easy thing to do. Hijacking it without the pilot being able to alert ground control is near impossible...The pilot has only to punch in a four digit code to alert ground control to a hijacking. plausibility, the conspiracy buffs maintain that on that September 11th, the invisible hijackers took over the plane by the rather crude method of threatening people with box cutters and knives, and spraying gas -- after they had attached their masks, obviously -- but somehow took control of the plane without the crew first getting a chance to punch in the hijacking code. Not just on one plane, but on all four...

So now that our incredibly lucky hijackers have taken control of the planes, all four pilots fly them with breath taking skill and certainty to their fiery end, all four pilots unflinching in their steely resolve for a swift meeting with Allah.... the conspiracy buffs, these guys actually went out drinking and womanizing the night before their great martyrdom, even leaving their Korans in the bar -- really impeccable Islamic behavior -- and then got up at 5 o'clock the next morning to pull off the greatest covert operation in history. This also requires us to believe that they were even clear headed enough to learn how to fly the huge planes by reading flight manuals in Arabic in the car on the way to the airport. We know this because they supposedly left the flight manuals there for us to find.

It gets better. Their practical training had allegedly been limited to Cessnas and flight simulators, but this was no barrier to the unflinching certainty with which they took over the planes and skillfully guided them to their doom. If they are supposed to have done their flight training with these tools, which would be available just about anywhere in the world, its not clear why they would have decided to risk blowing their cover to US intelligence services by doing the training in Florida,...

Having triumphantly established a circular delusion in support of the mythical Arabs, the conspiracy theorist now confronts the difficult question of why there's nothing left of the planes...

Did the mythical Arabs also haul a huge heap of explosives on board, and mange to deploy them in such a manner that they went off in the exact instant of the crash, completely vaporizing the plane? This is a little difficult even for the conspiracy theorist, who at this point decides that it’s easier to invent new laws of physics in order to keep the delusion rolling along.

There weren't any explosives. It wasn't an inside job. The plane blew up into nothing from its exploding fuel load! Remarkable, quite remarkable. Sluggishly combustible jet fuel which is basically Kerosene, and which burns at a maximum temperature of around 800 degrees Celsius has suddenly taken on the qualities of a ferociously explosive demolition agent, vaporizing sixty-five tons of aircraft into a puff of smoke. Never mind that a plane of that size contains around fifteen tons of steel and titanium, of which even the melting points are about double that of the maximum combustion temperature of Kerosene -- let alone the boiling point -- which is what would be required to vaporize a plane. And then there's about fifty tons of aluminum to be accounted for. In excess of 15 lbs of metal for each gallon of Kerosene.

For the conspiracy theorist, such inconvenient facts are vaguely dismissed as 'mumbo jumbo'. This convenient little phrase is their answer to just about anything factual or logical...Blissfully ignoring the fact that never before or since in aviation history has a plane vaporized into nothing from an exploding fuel load, the conspiracy theorist relies upon Hollywood images, where the effects are always larger than life, and certainly larger than the intellects of these cretins...

At this point the mad but cunning eyes of the conspiracy theorist will narrow as they sense the corner that they have backed themselves into, and plan their escape by means of another stunning back flip.

"Ah, but planes have never crashed into buildings before, so there's no way of telling." they counter with a sly grin. Well, actually planes have crashed into buildings before and since, and not vaporized into nothing. "But not big planes, with that much fuel", they shriek in hysterical denial. Or that much metal to vaporize.

"Yes but not hijacked planes!" "Are you suggesting that whether the crash is deliberate or accidental affects the combustion qualities of the fuel?" "Now you're just being silly".

Although collisions with buildings are rare, planes frequently crash into mountains, streets, other aircraft, nosedive into the ground, or have bombs planted aboard them, and don't vaporize into nothing...
But the hurdles which confront the conspiracy theorist are many, and they are now forced to implement even more creative uses for the newly discovered shockingly destructive qualities of Kerosene... not only consumed itself in a sudden catastrophic fireball , vaporizing a sixty-five ton plane into nothing, but then came back for a second go, burning at 2000 degrees centigrade for another hour at the impact point, melting the skyscraper's steel like butter... Gleefully, they claim that a few thousand gallons of Kerosene is enough to:

- Completely vaporize a sixty-five ton aircraft

- Have enough left over to burn ferociously enough for over an hour at the impact point to melt steel -- melting point about double the maximum combustion temperature of the fuel

- Still have enough left over to pour down the elevator shafts and start similarly destructive fires all through the building

This Kerosene really is remarkable stuff! How chilling to realize that those Kerosene heaters we had in the house when I was a kid were deadly bombs, just waiting to go off. One false move and the entire street might have been vaporized. And never again will I take Kerosene lamps out camping. One moment you're there innocently holding the lamp -- the next -- kapow! Vaporized into nothing along with the rest of the camp site, and still leaving enough of the deadly stuff to start a massive forest fire.

These whackos are actually claiming that the raging inferno allegedly created by the miraculously recycling, and impossibly hot burning Kerosene melted or at least softened the steel supports of the skyscraper. Oblivious to the fact that the black smoke coming from the WTC indicates an oxygen starved fire -- therefore not particularly hot -- they trumpet an alleged temperature in the building of 2000 degrees centigrade, without a shred of evidence to support this curious suspension of the laws of physics.

...they then contend that as the steel frames softened, they came straight down instead of buckling and twisting and falling sideways.

Since they're already re-engineered the combustion qualities of jet fuel, violated the second law of thermodynamics, and redefined the structural properties of steel, why let a little thing like the laws of gravity get in the way?

The tower fell in a time almost identical to that of a free falling object, dropped from that height, meaning that its physically impossible for it to have collapsed by the method of the top floors smashing through the lower floors. But according to the conspiracy theorists, the laws of gravity were temporarily suspended on the morning of September 11th. It appears that the evil psychic power of those dreadful Arabs knew no bounds...

Clearly, these conspiracy nuts never did their science homework at school, but did become extremely adept at inventing tall tales ...

The ferocious heat generated by this ghastly Kerosene was, according to the conspiracy theorists, the reason why so many of the WTC victims can't be identified. DNA is destroyed by heat -- although 2000 degrees centigrade isn't really required, 100 degrees centigrade will generally do the job. This is quite remarkable, because according to the conspiracy theorist, the nature of DNA suddenly changes if you go to a different city.

That's right, if you are killed by an Arab terrorist in New York, your DNA will be destroyed by such temperatures. But if you are killed by an Arab terrorist in Washington, your DNA will be so robust that it can survive temperatures which completely vaporize a sixty-five ton aircraft.

You see, these loonies have somehow concocted the idea that the missile which hit the Pentagon was not a missile at all, but one of the hijacked planes. And to prove this unlikely premise, they point to a propaganda statement from the Bush regime, which rather stupidly claims that all but one of the people aboard the plane were identified from the site by DNA testing, even though nothing remains of the plane. The plane was vaporized by the fuel tank explosion, maintain these space loonies, but the people inside it were all but one identified by DNA testing.

So there we have it. The qualities of DNA are different, depending upon which city you're in, or perhaps depending upon which fairy story you're trying to sell at any particular time.

...The object which penetrated the Pentagon went in at about a 45 degree angle, punching a neat circular hole of about a 12 foot diameter through three rings -- six walls. A little later a section of wall about 65 foot wide collapsed in the outer ring. Since the plane which the conspiracy theorists claim to be responsible for the impact had a wing span of 125 feet and a length of 155 feet, and there was no wreckage of the plane, either inside or outside the building, and the lawns outside were still smooth and green enough to play golf on, this crazy delusion is clearly physically impossible.

... I would have thought that the observation that a solid object cannot pass through another solid object without leaving a hole at least as big as itself is reasonably sound science. But to the conspiracy theorist, this is 'mumbo jumbo'. It conflicts with the delusion that they're hooked on, so it 'must be wrong' although trying to get them to explain exactly how it could be wrong is a futile endeavor.

... they first argue that the reason the hole is so small is that the plane never entered the wall, having blown up outside, and then suddenly back flip to explain the 250 foot deep missile hole by saying that the plane disappeared all the way into the building, and then blew up inside the building -- even though the building shows no sign of such damage. As for what happened to the wings -- here's where they get really creative. The wings snapped off and folded into the fuselage which then carried them into the building, which then closed up behind the plane like a piece of meat.

When it suits them, they'll also claim that the plane slid in on its belly -- ignoring the undamaged lawn ...

Once they get desperate enough, you can be sure that the UFO conspiracy stuff will make an appearance...

At a less serious time, we might tolerate such crackpots with amused detachment, but they need to understand that the treachery that was perpetrated on September 11th, and the subsequent war crimes committed in 'retaliation' are far too serious for us to allow such frivolous self indulgence to go unchallenged.

Those who are truly addicted to conspiracy delusions should find a more appropriate outlet for their paranoia.

Its time to stop loony conspiracy theories about September 11th."
Written by Gerard Holmgren

One Israeli source (via Jeff Steinberg): "Cheney has told Ariel Sharon that the American people will never tolerate the removal of a President or Vice President during wartime. He is pressuring Sharon to back up U.S. war plans, targeting Syria and Iran. Cheney sees his political days numbered, and he is desperate for a war to save his political hide."

Former CIA analyst Philip Giraldi has told us a lot. Some of us do not believe him because we are trapped in our political and religious tribal idiot boxes. Giraldi had written in The American Conservative that Vice President Cheney had ordered the Strategic Command (STRATCOM) to prepare war plans against Iran. He warned about the "911-type" terrorist attack on the continental United States. Yet fools are not listening.
Wall Street Journal: "There are signs that prosecutors now are looking into contacts between administration officials and journalists that took place much earlier than previously thought. Earlier conversations are potentially significant, because that suggests that the special prosecutor leading the investigation is exploring whether there was an effort within the administration at an early stage to develop and disseminate confidential information to the press that could undercut former Ambassador Joseph Wilson and his wife, Central Intelligence Agency official Valerie Plame." "Two officials close to Fitzgerald told RAW STORY they have seen documents obtained from the White House Iraq Group which state that Cheney was present at several of the group's meetings. They say Cheney personally discussed with individuals in attendance, at least two interviews in May and June of 2003 [that Ambassador Joseph] Wilson gave to New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof and Washington Post reporter Walter Pincus, in which he claimed the administration 'twisted' prewar intelligence and what the response from the administration should be." "Sources close to the investigation have also confirmed that special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald is trying to determine Vice President Cheney's role in the outing of Mrs. Wilson, more specifically, if Cheney ordered the leak."

The Journal concluded: "Lawyers familiar with the investigation believe that at least part of the outcome likely hangs on the inner workings of what has been dubbed the White House Iraq Group. Formed in August 2002, the group, which included Messrs. Rove and Libby, worked on setting strategy for selling the war in Iraq to the public in the months leading up to the March 2003 invasion. The group likely would have played a significant role in responding to Mr. Wilson's claims."

Whilimena says: There are two individuals who make me cry and laugh simultaneously - this is dangerous stuff. These Cats are The Great Rummy and Poppy Junior. I remember Junior from New England. While in college he was known as one of the 'greatest' scholars. I know people will fool him. It is because of this why I would like to sit and have a few Vodkas and orange with my good pal Buzz to chat a little. One moment I think that he probably did not know about 9-11 and yet another minute I think otherwise. I say this because of some of the things he said:
On the day of the attacks it was The Buzz who remarked at Barksdale:
'Make no mistake - the United States will hunt down and punish those responsible for these cowardly acts.'

And, listen to this - although The Buzz said that he would 'hunt down' the terrorists, ABC, March 13, 2002, reported that he later stated:
'I truly am not that concerned about him [Osama bin Laden].'

Is there a history of Military 'stand down'? Oh Yes!
Jack Blum unleashed this bombshell:
'We [investigators] ran into another procedure which was extremely troubling. There was a system for stopping Customs inspections of inbound and outbound aircraft from Miami and from other airports in Florida. People would call the Customs office and say, 'Stand down. Flights are going out. Flights are coming in'.

What do ya make of this?:
In an interview with patriot Alex Jones, Attorney Stanley Hilton stated:
'Our case [lawsuit] is alleging that Bush [43] and his puppets Rice and Cheney and Mueller and Rumsfeld and so forth; Tenet - were all involved not only in aiding and abetting and allowing 9/11 to happen but in actually ordering it to happen...We have some very incriminating documents as well as eyewitnesses, that Bush personally ordered this event to happen in order to gain political advantage...I went to school with some of these neocons. At the University of Chicago, in the late 60's with Wolfowitz and Feith and several of the others and so I know these people personally. And we used to talk about this stuff all of the time. And I did my senior thesis on this very subject - how to turn the U.S. into a presidential dictatorship by manufacturing a bogus Pearl Harbor event. So, technically this has been in the planning at least 35 years...Yeah, we are suing Bush, Condoleeza Rice, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Mueller, etc., for complicity in personally not only allowing 9/11 to happen but in ordering it...The hijackers were U.S. undercover agents...It's not just incompetence - in spite of the fact that he is one point, there were rehearsals of this. The reason why he appeared to be uninterested and nonchalant on September that he thought this was another rehearsal. These people had dress rehearsed this many times. He had seen simulated videos of this. In fact, he even made a Freudian slip...when he said he had, quote, 'seen on television the first plane attack the first tower.'
Funny, but since Stanley started his whistleblowing, he has been under constant fire from al Qaeda operatives.

Who trained the alleged terrorists for the 9-11 mission - Saddam Hussein? Manuel Noriega? Kim Jung Il? No bro! It was our boys!
Those terrorists got their training in America, in full view of the security forces. Firstly, some practised at a place name 'Ground Zero' where American police lamented that the vehicles used for target practice were school buses and police cars.
'U.S. military sources have given the FBI information that suggests five of the alleged hijackers of the planes that were used in [September 11] terror attacks received training at secure U.S. military installations in the 1990s' Newsweek (09/15/01)

The crackpots who made the hole in Pennsylvania failed to construct it to show a craft crashing from an angle. There was green grass in the hole.
What about the vertical free-fall of the WTC towers could this be as a result of impacts and fire? Hell no!

Jerry Russell, MA (Eng) and Ph.D.(Psychol). He wrote: '...The trick is to distribute explosives at key points throughout the structure. The explosives are detonated simultaneously, destroying the integrity of the steel frame at key points, such that no part of the building is supported against the force of gravity. The entire mass is pulled swiftly to earth, where gravity does the work of pounding the structure into tiny fragments of steel and concrete. The gravitational potential energy of the structure is converted smoothly and uniformly into kinetic energy, and the is available very efficiently to pulverize the fragments of the building as they impact against the unyielding earth. Controlled demolitions have a striking and characteristic appearance of smooth, flowing collapse...the World Trade center collapses looked like controlled demolitions...According to the law of gravity, it is possible to calculate the time it takes for an object to fall a given distance. The equation is H=(1/2) at 2, where H is the height, a is the acceleration of gravity (10 meters per second squared) and t is time in seconds. Plug in the height of the building at 1350 feet (411 meters) and we get 9 seconds. That is just about the length of time it took for the very top of the World Trade Center to fall to the street below. According to all reports, the whole thing was over in just about ten seconds...'

Does the dirty Mossad have a history of knowing everything? Oh Yes!
They knew about a few things which would either make them God, or conspirators. Frankly their stories cannot be believed.
(1) They have a reputation of bringing false news to Washington.
"Israeli intelligence, not the Reagan administration, was a major source of some of the most dramatic published reports about a Lybian assassination team allegedly sent to kill President Reagan and other top U.S. officials...Israel, which informed sources said has 'wanted an excuse to go in and bash Lybia for a longtime', may be trying to build American public support for a strike against [Ghaddafi]." Los Angeles Times

(2) '...[the Mossad] had made up the hit-squad story in order to cause problems for one of Israel's enemies.' Washington Post

Was the Iraqi war in search of so-called Weapons of Mass Destruction?
Answer: Partially yes, because 'we' gave them to Saddam.
Was it because of the arsenal of 9-11 data (not involvement) which the Hussein family held?
Answer: Yes, yes, yes.
Was it because Saddam was switching to the Euro?
Answer: Yes.
What struck WTC and the Pentagon?
Answer: Missiles camouflaged as planes!

The most damning statement made by Donald 'The Great Rummy' Rumsfeld in an interview with Lyric Wallwork Winik, Parade Magazine Friday, Oct. 12, 2001:
"Here we're talking about plastic knives and using an American Airlines flight filled with our citizens, and the missile to damage this building and similar (inaudible) that damaged the World Trade Center."

"I fear we're going to be at war for decades, not years ..... one major component of that war is oil."
James Woolsey, Former Director of The CIA
Washington, 6-7 December 2004

Saddam's only Weapon - Mass Financial Destruction:
"Baghdad's switch from the dollar to the euro for oil trading is intended to rebuke Washington's hard-line on sanctions and to encourage Europeans to challenge it.... [Pierre Shammas, a Middle East expert at the Cyprus-based Arab Press Service] says the idea of switching to the euro has appeal to Iran and Iraq because they feel if several major oil producers did it they could create a stampede from the dollar which would weaken Washington. He says another possible candidate for a changeover if the euro were strong might be Venezuela, whose relations with Washington have turned rocky as President Hugo Chavez has stressed ties with Cuba's Fidel Castro. But so far, no big stampede to the euro is on the horizon -- except in Baghdad. And that leaves Saddam once again charting a highly individual course that guarantees he keeps other capitals guessing what his next move will be."

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1 November 2000:
"A bizarre political statement by Saddam Hussein has earned Iraq a windfall of hundreds of million of euros. In October 2000 Iraq insisted on dumping the US dollar - 'the currency of the enemy' - for the more multilateral euro. The changeover was announced on almost exactly the same day that the euro reached its lowest ebb, buying just $0.82, and the G7 Finance Ministers were forced to bail out the currency. Almost all of Iraq's oil exports under the United Nations oil-for-food programme have been paid in euros since 2001..... The marked appreciation of the euro, higher interest rates, and the ability to pay mainly European suppliers in euros is believed to have made hundreds of millions for the Iraqi oil-for-food programme. "
Iraq nets handsome profit
Observer, 16 February 2003

"The Bush administration made plans for war and for Iraq's oil before the 9/11 attacks, sparking a policy battle between neo-cons and Big Oil, BBC's Newsnight has revealed....
Insiders told Newsnight that planning began 'within weeks' of Bush's first taking office in 2001, long before the September 11th attack on the US. An Iraqi-born oil industry consultant, Falah Aljibury, says he took part in the secret meetings in California, Washington and the Middle East. He described a State Department plan for a forced coup d'etat. Mr Aljibury himself told Newsnight that he interviewed potential successors to Saddam Hussein on behalf of the Bush administration."
Secret US plans for Iraq's oil
BBC Online, 17 March 2005

"Iraq on Thursday stepped back into the international oil market for the first time since the war, offering 10m barrels of oil from its storage tanks for sale to the highest bidder....The [post invasion]tender, for which bids are due by June 10, switches the transaction back to dollars - the international currency of oil sales - despite the greenback's recent fall in value. Saddam Hussein in 2000 insisted Iraq's oil be sold for euros, a political move, but one that improved Iraq's recent earnings thanks to the rise in the value of the euro against the dollar."
Iraq returns to the international market
Financial Times, 5 June 2003

And Washington Was Prepared To Do Anything To Clear The Way For That Invasion

"Whoever leaked Plame's name and CIA affiliation was trying to scare off any further inquiries into the whole Niger uranium funny business, underscoring the key question in all this: who was behind the Niger uranium forgeries? Even as the FBI was following the trail of the forgers, the Italians were looking into the matter from their end. A parliamentary committee was charged with investigating, and they issued a heavily redacted report: now, I am told by a former CIA operations officer, the report has aroused some interest on this side of the Atlantic. According to a source in the Italian embassy, Patrick J. 'Bulldog' Fitzgerald asked for and 'has finally been given a full copy of the Italian parliamentary oversight report on the forged Niger uranium document,' the former CIA officer tells me: 'Previous versions of the report were redacted and had all the names removed, though it was possible to guess who was involved. This version names Michael Ledeen as the conduit for the report and indicates that former CIA officers Duane Clarridge and Alan Wolf were the principal forgers. All three had business interests with Chalabi.'"
Niger Uranium Forgery, 19 October 2005

"....according to Italian sources the sealed portions of the report [passed to US special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald] conclude the fraudulent papers were created by associates of Ahmed of Chalibi".
MSNBC, 21 October 2005

Margaret Thatcher via The Independent: "The fact was that there were no facts, there was no evidence, and there was no proof [of Iraqi WMD's]."

Observer 16 February 2003: "In October 2000 Iraq insisted on dumping the US dollar - 'the currency of the enemy' - for the more multilateral euro. ... Almost all of Iraq's oil exports under the United Nations oil-for-food programme have been paid in euros since 2001..... The marked appreciation of the euro, higher interest rates, and the ability to pay mainly European suppliers in euros is believed to have made hundreds of millions for the Iraqi oil-for-food programme."

Christian Science Monitor 30 August 2005: "Is the biggest threat Iran poses to the United States really its nuclear ambitions - or is it petropolitics?"

On 10 October 2003 Moscow Times: "President Vladimir Putin said Thursday Russia could switch its trade in oil from dollars to euros, a move that could have far-reaching repercussions for the global balance of power."

In these circumstances the US was increasingly desperate. There was no telling who might follow Saddam's lead if he was allowed to get away with it. As a joint report from the highly influential James Baker Policy Institute and the Council on Foreign Relations put it in April 2001: "... Iraq remains a destabilizing influence to U.S. allies in the Middle East, as well as to regional and global order, and to the flow of oil to international markets from the Middle East. Saddam Hussein has also demonstrated a willingness to threaten to use the oil weapon and to use his own export program to manipulate oil markets. This would display his personal power, enhance his image as a 'Pan Arab' leader supporting the Palestinians against Israel, and pressure others for a lifting of economic sanctions against his regime. The United States should conduct an immediate policy review toward Iraq, including military, energy, economic, and political/diplomatic assessments..."

BBC's Newsnight program 17 March 2005: "The Bush administration made plans for war and for Iraq's oil before the 9/11 attacks, sparking a policy battle between neo-cons and Big Oil..... Insiders told Newsnight that planning began 'within weeks' of Bush's first taking office in 2001....The industry-favoured plan was pushed aside by a secret plan, drafted just before the invasion in 2003, which called for the sell-off of all of Iraq's oil fields."

Christian Science Monitor: "Seen by many as one of the most radical neoconservatives, Mr. Ledeen is said to frequently advise George W. Bush's top adviser Karl Rove on foreign policy matters. He is one of the strongest voices calling for regime change in Iran."

Whilimena believes that when a 'rat' squeels on a secret service agent who is carrying out legitimate 'bidness', the said 'rat' should loose his head.
London Times: "The charges raise the prospect of a trial turning the spotlight on how the Administration built its case for war and on Mr Cheney. He was named in indictments but not accused. Mr Libby, 55, is accused of lying about how and when he learnt about Ms Plame’s identity in 2003, and how he came to pass information about her to reporters. The indictment states that Mr Libby told investigators that he learnt about Ms Plame’s CIA status from an NBC journalist. Instead, he learnt it from Mr Cheney, the indictment says, thrusting the Vice-President to the heart of the scandal."

New York Times 29 October "the charges [against Libby] suggest that White House officials did, in fact, use Mrs. Wilson's classified CIA job as a weapon against a critic of administration policy - to smear his reputation or to warn off other dissenters".

BBC's Panorama, 18 May 2003 "Michael Ledeen has been branded an 'ultra neo-conservative' and is seen by his critics as the most sinister and radical of them all.... A former Rome Correspondent for the New Republic newspaper, Ledeen first rose to political prominence as a member of the National Security Council during Ronald Reagan's reign. But it was in 1985, that he became a well-known figure in the US when his Israeli intelligence contacts were used to help broker the illegal Iran/contra rebel affair.... Prof Ledeen is also a student of Machiavelli and has written a book about the Renaissance philosopher whose name has become synonymous with strong and brutal governments... Prof Ledeen is also believed to have the ear of the White House's current Chief of Staff Karl Rove..."

Michael Ledeen, National Review 6 August 2002: "One can only hope that we turn the [Middle East] region into a cauldron, and faster, please. If ever there were a region that richly deserved being cauldronized, it is the Middle East today. If we wage the war effectively, we will bring down the terror regimes in Iraq, Iran, and Syria, and either bring down the Saudi monarchy or force it to abandon its global assembly line to indoctrinate young terrorists. That's our mission in the war against terror."

Washington Post 16 September 2005 "Four years after the deadly 2001 anthrax attacks, one of the most exhaustive investigations in FBI history has yielded no arrests and is showing signs of growing cold as officials have sharply reduced the number of agents on the case.... The investigation has been so expansive that authorities now are in the process of taking inventory. The FBI and postal inspectors have spent months piecing together a voluminous internal report that will review the scope of the investigation and explore issues including what has been the prevailing theory: The culprit is a U.S. scientist who had access to the high-grade anthrax and the knowledge of how to physically manipulate it and use it as a weapon. That theory emerged early in the investigation and remains viable today, authorities said.... The report will include the names of various people deemed to be 'persons of interest' over the years, as well as updates on the scientific tests. Authorities long ago narrowed down the type of anthrax to a strain called Ames but have been unable to identify the lab of origin. Much attention has focused on the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, housed at Fort Detrick in the Frederick area.Authorities hope that the report, which is to be completed soon and forwarded to FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III, will provide a concise road map of the probe and help determine its future direction. Current and former law enforcement authorities said investigators and prosecutors often prepare such reports in complex, high-profile cases that go unresolved for years. 'It doesn't sound like they're close to cracking the case,' said Eric H. Holder Jr., a Washington lawyer who was deputy attorney general during the Clinton administration.'.... Meanwhile, in the United States, FBI agents and scientists have been working to match the gene sequence of the mailed anthrax spores to a specific laboratory. They remain particularly interested in such laboratories as Fort Detrick, Louisiana State University and Dugway Proving Ground in Utah.... In light of the obstacles facing investigators, some relatives of the victims are wondering if the anthrax case will ever be solved. 'It's been out there too long. I don't think they're going to find out' who did it, said Thomas L. Morris III of Suitland, whose father, D.C. postal worker Thomas Morris Jr., died of inhalation anthrax in October 2001."

BBC, 18 August 2002 entitled 'Anthrax killer is US defence insider': "An FBI forensic linguistics expert believes the US anthrax attacks were carried out by a senior scientist from within America's biological-defence community. Professor Don Foster - who helped convict Unabomber Ted Kaczynski and unveiled Joe Klein as the author of the novel Primary Colors - says the evidence points to someone with high-ranking military and intelligence connections. Speaking about the investigation for the first time, Prof Foster told the BBC he had identified two suspects who had both worked for the CIA, the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) and other classified military operations.... he fears the investigation is now being hampered in its gathering of vital documents that could lead to the killer.... He said: 'It's very frustrating. Ordinarily with the FBI if there's some documents needed - known writings - boom, they're on my desk the next day. 'My two suspects both appear to have CIA connections. These two agencies, the CIA and the FBI, are sometimes seen as rivals. 'My anxiety is that the FBI agents assigned to this case are not getting full and complete co-operation from the US military, CIA and witnesses who might have information about this case....' "

"The US anthrax attacks were a post-9/11 psychologically traumatizing episode that played a key role in sensitizing US public pinion to the 'need' to address Iraq's alleged biological and chemical weapons capability.

Washington Monthly: "why were mid-level Pentagon officials organizing meetings with a foreign intelligence agency behind the back of the CIA - a clear breach of U.S. government protocol?".

The UK's Independent: An article by Norman Dombey, Emeritus Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Sussex and an expert on Iraq's nuclear capability. The article: "Tell us who fabricated the Iraq evidence".

Justin Raimondo,
"Whoever leaked Plame's name and CIA affiliation was trying to scare off any further inquiries into the whole Niger uranium funny business, underscoring the key question in all this: who was behind the Niger uranium forgeries? Even as the FBI was following the trail of the forgers, the Italians were looking into the matter from their end. A parliamentary committee was charged with investigating, and they issued a heavily redacted report: now, I am told by a former CIA operations officer, the report has aroused some interest on this side of the Atlantic. According to a source in the Italian embassy, Patrick J. 'Bulldog' Fitzgerald asked for and 'has finally been given a full copy of the Italian parliamentary oversight report on the forged Niger uranium document,' the former CIA officer tells me: 'Previous versions of the report were redacted and had all the names removed, though it was possible to guess who was involved. This version names Michael Ledeen as the conduit for the report and indicates that former CIA officers Duane Clarridge and Alan Wolf were the principal forgers. All three had business interests with Chalabi.'"

MSNBC's 'Hardball', 21 October 2005: "...according to Italian sources the sealed portions of the report conclude the fraudulent papers were created by associates of Ahmed of Chalibi".

TIME magazine: "He [Chalabi] currently serves as Deputy Prime Minister in Ibrahim al-Jaafari's government. And now-trumpet clarion here - he is coming back to Washington in November at the invitation of Treasury Secretary John Snow. But Chalabi will have potentially more significant meetings with National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley and perhaps Condoleezza Rice, both of whom-according to high-ranking Administration officials-believe that he is a plausible and acceptable candidate to be the next Prime Minister of Iraq when that nation votes, yet again, for a new government on Dec. 15."

Foreign Affairs Select Committee report in July 2003: "...the Government asserts that it was not relying on the evidence which has since been shown to have been forged, but that eight months later it is still reviewing the other evidence .....We recommend that the Government explain on what evidence it relied for its judgment in September 2002 that Iraq had recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa".

On 27 October 2005, BBC News' Paul Reynolds: "In February 2002, Joseph Wilson, a former US ambassador was sent to Niger in West Africa to investigate intelligence that Iraq had tried to buy uranium yellowcake (compressed uranium ore) there. Since Iraq had no civilian nuclear programme, the supposition was that it was seeking a source of fuel for a military one. The British government certainly believed the Niger report - and strangely enough after all that has happened, still does."

1st August 2004, Sunday Times: "The Sunday Times has tracked down a mysterious middleman who was a key figure in the notorious Niger uranium hoax before the Iraq war, writes Nicholas Rufford. Speaking to a reporter in a cafe in Brussels last week, he claimed he had been an unwitting dupe in the scam, which embarrassed both Tony Blair and George W Bush over Saddam Hussein’s phantom weapons of mass destruction. The middleman, an Italian who uses the name Giacomo, is a small-time tipster said to have worked for Italy’s armed forces and intelligence services. He says Sismi, the Italian foreign intelligence service, used him to disseminate fake documents purporting to show Saddam had tried to buy uranium for nuclear bombs from Niger. I received a call from a former colleague in Sismi,' Giacomo said. 'I was told a woman in the Niger embassy in Rome had a gift for me. I met her and she gave me documents. Sismi wanted me to pass on the documents but they didn’t want anyone to know they had been involved.' He came into possession of a bundle of telexes, letters and contracts that appeared to show Saddam had struck a deal with Niger for 500 tons of uranium ore, enough when refined to make several weapons. Giacomo said he regretted the hoax but had believed the documents were genuine when he passed them to intelligence contacts and a journalist. The hoax had far-reaching effects. Presenting his dossier on Iraq’s weapons in September 2002, Blair accused Saddam of seeking 'significant quantities of uranium from Africa'. Bush reiterated the charge in his state of the union speech. When Giacomo’s documents were discredited by the International Atomic Energy Agency last year, George Tenet, then director of the CIA, apologised. The British government and MI6 claim, however, they have independent evidence of Iraq’s 'Niger connection'”.

The Financial Times: "[Martino] subsequently provided France with more documents, which turned out to have been forged when they were handed to the International Atomic Energy Agency by US diplomats. ..... According to the Sunday Times, which interviewed him under his pseudonym of Giacomo, Mr Martino said the Italian foreign intelligence service, the SISMI, had forged the documents and had arranged for them to be passed to him by an official of Niger's embassy in Rome. Mr Martino, who has not returned telephone calls since first contacted by the Financial Times a month ago, has retained personal contacts with some serving and retired officers in the SISMI since he briefly served in the intelligence services in the 1970s. The Italian government yesterday strongly denied it had played any role in the forging of the documents or their dissemination, saying the accusations are 'completely false'".

La Repubblica: "It’s true, I had a hand in the dissemination of those (Niger uranium) documents, but I was duped. Both Americans and Italians were involved behind the scenes. It was a disinformation operation.... At the end of 2001, SISMI handed the [Niger uranium] yellowcake dossier to British MI6". ..
"Martino conceals the identify of the architects behind the 'operation' and appears to be merely a pawn, like his partners in crime. So who is the puppeteer pulling the strings behind their sordid adventure?"...
"The military intervention in Iraq was justified by two revelations: Saddam Hussein attempted to acquire unprocessed uranium (yellowcake) in Niger (1) for enrichment with centrifuges built with aluminium tubes imported from Europe(2). The fabricators of the twin hoaxes (there was never any trace in Iraq of unprocessed uranium or centrifuges) were the Italian government and Italian military intelligence. La Repubblica has attempted to reconstruct the who, where and why of the manufacture and transfer to British and American intelligence of the dodgy dossier for war. They are the same two hoaxes that Judith Miller, the [New York Times] reporter who betrayed her newspaper, published (together with Michael Gordon) on September 8, 2002."...
"It is a known fact that on the eve of the war on Iraq and under the guidance of Palazzo Chigi [official residence of the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi] Diplomacy Advisor Gianni Castellaneta (today Italian Ambassador to the United States), SISMI chief Pollari organizes his appointment book in Washington with the help of the staff of National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice. La Repubblica has documented the dual channel used by the Italian government and by Italian intelligence. According to intelligence agents, in at least one of the backdoor meetings in which Pollari participated, the the creation of a conduit took place linking government, security agencies and intelligence.
[Our] Brief synopsis [is]: Pollari’s SISMI wants to give credence to the story of acquisition of uranium ore for the purpose of building a nuclear bomb. The scheme is transparent. The 'authentic' papers concerning an attempt to acquire uranium in Niger (stale Italian intelligence left over from the 80’s) are a legacy of a former SISMI Deputy Chief in Rome, Antonio Nucera. They are bundled up together with other worthless documents assembled helter-skelter after a simulated burglary of the Niger Embassy (embassy letterhead and stamps are taken). The documents are exhibited by Pollari’s men to the CIA Station Chief in Rome while SISMI’s 'postman', a certain individual by the name of Rocco Martino, delivers a copy to Richard Dearlove’s MI6 in London
... Ledeen is in Rome on a mission from the Office of Special Plans, created at the Pentagon by Paul Wolfowitz to collect intelligence which would support a war on Iraq. A source at Forte Braschi [SISMI headquarters] tells La Repubblica: 'On the subject of intelligence collected on the uranium purchase, Pollari gets the cold shoulder from [Rome] CIA Station Chief Jeff Castelli. Apparently, Castelli has dropped the matter entirely. Taking a hint, Pollari discusses the matter with Michael Ledeen....' No one knows what prompts Ledeen to return to Washington. But at the beginning of 2002, Paul Wolfowitz convinces Dick Cheney that the uranium trail picked up by Italian intelligence should be explored in closer detail."

Washington Post 24 July 2003: "Hadley is [National Security Adviser Condoleezza] Rice's top aide. He says he forgot about the warnings from Tenet -- two memos and one phone call -- and did not tell her. If that's the case, he's in the wrong job. If it's not the case -- and a reasonable man could have reasonable doubt -- is it possible Rice said nothing to Bush? Maybe not. But if not, why not? That's her job. By now it is clear that the White House was so desperate to buttress its unsupportable claims of an imminent Iraqi nuclear threat that it was willing to include the most questionable of evidence. That happened not only with the uranium reference but also with another piece of supposedly significant evidence -- those aluminum tubes that turned out to play no role in any nuclear weapons program. Who was behind this? Rice? Dick Cheney? The president himself? The uranium reference kept turning up like a bad penny. It had a sponsor -- someone awfully high up. Each time the buck passes, another level of incompetence -- or shenanigans -- is exposed. Now in the chain of supposed bumblers we have Hadley and, by extension, Rice. Either they did not do their jobs or the jobs they did were so frankly political that they both ought to move over to the Republican National Committee, where, on a given day, spin and exaggeration are the sole product. Tenet, though, gets pride of place. He has put a huge dent in the vaunted -- and valued -- independence of the CIA. It's impossible to see him now as a pillar of integrity, someone who speaks his mind no matter what and values keeping his independence over keeping his job. He's shilled for the president once too often. He's got to go."

La Repubblica: "On September 9, 2002, seated in front of Stephen Hadley, Pollari has the means to address even this aspect of the issue. SISMI claims that it has documentary proof of the acquisition of aluminum tubes by Iraq..... So what does he tell him? Pollari keeps his mouth shut. He doesn’t reveal what he knows about the aluminum tubes, which are the source of so much concern (or even enthusiasm) for the Bush Administration. The shame is that those 7075-T6 tubes, 900 millimeters long, 81 millimeters in diameter, 3.3 millimeters thick, are well-known hardware to the Italian Army. They are 81-mm rocket artillery shells used in the Medusa air-to-ground missile system installed on Italian Army and Navy helicopters. In reality, the Iraqis are merely attempting to reproduce weaponry with which they became familiar during the long years of economic, military and nuclear cooperation between Rome and Baghdad."

La Republica: "...scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (where uranium for the US nuclear arsenal is enriched using centrifuges) ........ [had said] that the tubes are too narrow, too heavy, too long and likely to split if used as centrifuge components. They conclude with: Those tubes are used for manufacturing a specific type of artillery shell."

Greg Thielmann, former head of the State Department's Intelligence Service: "But seriously, haven’t you yet understood why the chief of Italian military intelligence did not provide us with any indication that would have allowed us to definitively discard the notion that the tubes would be used in someone’s nuclear program? Well, I have an idea for you. SISMI, like the CIA and the entire Anglo-Saxon intelligence community, is ready and willing to satisfy the hawks in the US Administration."

La Repubblica: "Even today, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw continues to repeat that the 'Italian dossier' was not the basis behind Blair’s words and that MI6 is in possession of previously acquired intelligence. Yet such intelligence 'evidence' has never been produced. If it were to come out--a source at [SISM headquarters] Forte Braschi tells La Repubblica, it would be easily discovered with a little sleuthing that that the 'evidence' is in fact stale Italian intelligence collected by SISMI at the end of the 1980s and shared with our friend, Hamilton MacMillan [of MI6]."

Associated Press: "The head of Italy's military secret services will be questioned by a parliamentary commission next week over allegations that his organization gave the United States and Britain disputed documents suggesting that Saddam Hussein had been seeking uranium in Africa, officials said Tuesday. Nicolo Pollari, director of the SISMI intelligence agency, will be questioned on Nov. 3 by members of the commission overseeing secret services, said Micaela Panella, a commission spokeswoman. She said Pollari asked to be questioned after reports Monday and Tuesday in the Rome daily La Repubblica claiming SISMI passed on to the CIA, U.S. government officials and Britain's MI6 intelligence services a dossier it knew was forged.... Pollari's hearing will not be open to the public, but the commission's president, Enzo Bianco, was expected to brief reporters after the meeting, Panella said. La Repubblica claimed that after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks Pollari was under pressure from Premier Silvio Berlusconi to make a strong contribution to the hunt for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The newspaper is a strong opponent of Berlusconi. To satisfy the request, Pollari used a dossier that originally had been fabricated in early 2001 with material stolen from Niger's embassy in Rome, La Repubblica reported. Between the end of 2001 and 2002, Pollari allegedly used official and unofficial channels to pass on the forged documents about the uranium deal to CIA officers in Rome and to the British intelligence agency. When foreign intelligence agencies met the documents with skepticism, Pollari used his own contacts in the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans and an aide to the president's national security adviser to promote the dossier, La Repubblica said, without elaborating."

The American Prospect: "In an explosive series of articles appearing this week in the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, investigative reporters Carlo Bonini and Giuseppe d'Avanzo report that Nicolo Pollari, chief of Italy's military intelligence service, known as Sismi, brought the Niger yellowcake story directly to the White House after his insistent overtures had been rejected by the Central Intelligence Agency in 2001 and 2002. Sismi had reported to the CIA on October 15, 2001, that Iraq had sought yellowcake in Niger, a report it also plied on British intelligence, creating an echo that the Niger forgeries themselves purported to amplify before they were exposed as a hoax. Today's exclusive report in La Repubblica reveals that Pollari met secretly in Washington on September 9, 2002, with then - Deputy National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley. Their secret meeting came at a critical moment in the White House campaign to convince Congress and the American public that war in Iraq was necessary to prevent Saddam Hussein from developing nuclear weapons. National Security Council spokesman Frederick Jones confirmed the meeting to the Prospect on Tuesday. Pollari told the newspaper that since 2001, when he became Sismi's director, the only member of the US administration he has met officially is his former CIA counterpart George Tenet."
"...the appearance of a little-noticed story in Panorama a weekly magazine owned by Italian Prime Minister and Bush ally Silvio Berlusconi, that was published three days after Pollari's meeting with Hadley. The magazine's September 12, 2002, issue claimed that Iraq's intelligence agency, the Mukhabarat, had acquired 500 tons of uranium from Nigeria through a Jordanian intermediary. (While this September 2002 Panorama report mentioned Nigeria, the forgeries another Panorama reporter would be proffered less than a month later purportedly concerned Niger.) The Sismi chief's previously undisclosed meeting with Hadley, who was promoted earlier this year to national security adviser, occurred one month before a murky series of events culminated in the US government obtaining copies of the Niger forgeries. The forged documents were cabled from the US embassy in Rome to Washington after being delivered to embassy officials by Elisabetta Burba, a reporter for Panorama. She had received the papers from an Italian middleman named Rocco Martino. Burba never wrote a story about those documents. Instead her editor, Berlusconi favorite Carlo Rossella, ordered her to bring them immediately to the US embassy. Although Sismi's involvement in promoting the Niger yellowcake tale to US and British intelligence has been previously reported, the series in La Repubblica includes many new details, including the name of a specific Sismi officer, Antonio Nucera, who helped to set the Niger forgeries hoax in motion. What may be most significant to American observers, however, is the newspaper's allegation that the Italians sent the bogus intelligence about Niger and Iraq not only through traditional allied channels such as the CIA, but seemingly directly into the White House. That direct White House channel amplifies questions about a now-infamous 16-word reference to the Niger uranium in President Bush's 2003 State of the Union address - which remained in the speech despite warnings from the CIA and the State Department that the allegation was not substantiated.... if anyone knew who was actually responsible for the White House's trumpeting of the Niger claims, it would seem from the Repubblica report that Hadley did. He also knew that the CIA, which had initially rejected the Italian claims, was not to blame. Hadley's meeting with Pollari, at precisely the time when the Niger forgeries came into the possession of the US government, may explain the seemingly hysterical White House overreaction to Wilson's article almost a year later. "

Reuters: "Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, on the eve of a trip to Washington, said he repeatedly tried to persuade U.S. President George W. Bush against invading Iraq. The Italian leader voiced his unease with the military operation to remove Saddam Hussein in a television interview to be broadcast on Monday, the day he meets Bush. The Italian leader has been defending himself against accusations at home that the country's intelligence agency, possibly after government pressure, passed off fake documents to Washington used to bolster claims of Iraq's nuclear ambitions. The documents purported that Iraq was seeking to buy uranium from Niger. His office has sent out statements in the past week categorically denying the accusations, made by left-leaning La Repubblica newspaper. Sismi intelligence agency chief Nicolo Pollari is due to address a closed-door parliamentary panel over the matter on November 3."

New York Times: "A two-year inquiry by the Federal Bureau of Investigation has yet to uncover the origin of forged documents that formed a basis for sending an envoy on a fact-finding trip to Niger, a mission that eventually exploded into the C.I.A. leak inquiry, law enforcement and intelligence officials say.... The continuing inquiry into the source of the forged documents has been conducted separately from the investigation by the special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald into the leak case, which has to do with whether Bush administration officials committed crimes related to disclosing the identity of Mr. Wilson's wife, an undercover C.I.A. officer."

Newsweek, 22 September 2004: "At the urging of Sen. Jay Rockefeller, vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, the FBI launched an investigation into the Niger documents in an effort to determine if the United States government had been duped by a deliberate 'disinformation' campaign organized by a foreign intelligence agency or others with a political agenda relating to Iraq. So far, the bureau appears to have made little progress in unraveling the case. 'The senator is frustrated by the slow pace of the investigation,' said Wendy Morigi, the press secretary for Senator Rockefeller, who was recently briefed on the status of the FBI probe. One striking aspect of the FBI’s investigation is that, at least as of this week, (Rocco) Martino has told associates he has never even been interviewed by the bureau-despite the fact that he was publicly identified by the Financial Times of London as the source of the documents more than six weeks ago and was subsequently flown to New York City by CBS to be interviewed for the '60 Minutes' report."

Joe Wilson, Los Angeles Times: "The attacks on Valerie and me were upsetting, disruptive and vicious. They amounted to character assassination. Senior administration officials used the power of the White House to make our lives hell for the last 27 months. But more important, they did it as part of a clear effort to cover up the lies and disinformation used to justify the invasion of Iraq. That is the ultimate crime. The war in Iraq has claimed more than 17,000 dead and wounded American soldiers, many times more Iraqi casualties and close to $200 billion. It has left our international reputation in tatters and our military broken. It has weakened the United States, increased hatred of us and made terrorist attacks against our interests more likely in the future. It has been, as Gen. William Odom suggested, the greatest strategic blunder in the history of our country. We anticipate no mea culpa from the president for what his senior aides have done to us. But he owes the nation both an explanation and an apology."

Is Uncle Sam nervous?
Agence France Presse 8 June 2003 "The inexorable rise in Russia's gold and foreign currency reserves is being accompanied by a steady shift from the dollar to the euro that is likely to continue as Russia draws closer to Europe, Moscow analysts believe.... Russia's reserves have been increasing relentlessly, buoyed by high oil prices.... The decline in the value of the dollar relative to the euro is encouraging the process...."

China Daily, May 2004: "China is looking to diversify its foreign exchange reserves out of US dollars, according to its top foreign exchange manager. China's chief forex regulator, Guo Shuqing, said in a recent Financial Times interview the make-up of the country's US$440-billion forex cash pile was being altered to include more European and Asian bonds, given concerns over a weaker US dollar."

Giraldi (Former secret services spook): "The Pentagon, acting under instructions from Vice President Dick Cheney’s office, has tasked the United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM) with drawing up a contingency plan to be employed in response to another 9/11-type terrorist attack on the United States. The plan includes a large-scale air assault on Iran employing both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons.... As in the case of Iraq, the response is not conditional on Iran actually being involved in the act of terrorism directed against the United States. Several senior Air Force officers involved in the planning are reportedly appalled at the implications of what they are doing - that Iran is being set up for an unprovoked nuclear attack-but no one is prepared to damage his career by posing any objections."

Giraldi "...['war on terror']...basically a fiction"... "we do have a vital strategic interest in the oil reserves that are in that [Persian Gulf] area. But what I would like to see is a candid discussion of what our interests in the area are, what our equities are, and what the downside of maintaining a presence in the area is. We haven't seen any of that .... It's policy that has created these issues, and the policy should be openly debated in front of the American public, and not just kind of brushed away and disguised as a 'war against terror'".

Veteran Mideast analyst Geoffrey Kemp. 'The question is, what then?' NEWSWEEK has learned that the CIA and DIA have war-gamed the likely consequences of a U.S. pre-emptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities. No one liked the outcome. As an Air Force source tells it, 'The war games were unsuccessful at preventing the conflict from escalating.'"

"By the time the war against Iraq began, much of the media had been conditioned to believe, almost as an article of faith, that Saddam Hussein's Iraq was bulging with chemical and biological weapons, despite years of United Nations inspections..... In part, journalists absorbed their aura of certainty from a battery of 'independent' weapons experts who repeated the mantra of Iraq concealment over and over. Journalists used these experts as outside sources who could independently evaluate the administration's claims. Yet often these 'experts' were simply repeating what they heard from U.S. officials, forming an endless loop of self-reinforcing scare mongering. Some 'experts' had a political axe to grind. Charles Duelfer, another former [weapons] inspector, had been a State Department functionary for years before joining the UNSCOM inspection team. At the U.N. Security Council, critics of U.S. policy viewed him with suspicion as a Trojan horse. Once his U.N. tour of duty was over, he became a 'resident scholar' at the conservative Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, appearing on TV news shows as an impartial authority. He answered technical questions on subjects like liquid bulk anthrax and aerial satellite photos, offering his considered judgment that Iraq unquestionably was hiding a huge arsenal. But off-camera, Duelfer admitted he was a committed proponent of regime change whether Saddam was harboring illegal weapons or not (Endgame, Scott Ritter)."
The Great WMD Hunt
Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting, July/August 2003

"It's now clear that the US will accept neither UN weapons inspectors nor the present chief inspector, Dr. Hans Blix, returning to Iraq..... Defiantly and arrogantly, the US has set up not one but two teams to do the job, a JIACG team and the Iraq Survey Group..... The other team is the Iraq Survey Team, described here by BBC 'Worse, the Americans have sought to poach several dozen of the UN's brightest inspectors from under his nose. The leader of the US team, called the Iraq Survey Group, is himself a former UN man, Charles Duelfer, who has been sharply critical of Mr Blix's leadership.' Where had I come across the name of Charles Duelfer before? Ah, yes! In former chief weapons inspector Scott Ritter's magnificent book, End Game. Solving the Iraq Crisis. Duelfer was deputy to Richard Butler, UNSCOM's executive chairman. It was Butler's leadership, co-ordination and timing with US interests, as well as the fact that American spies infiltrated UNSCOM's work that led to the breakdown of the inspections in 1998, also well-described in Ritter's book and here in a Washington Post article. Ritter has nothing negative to say about Duelfer except in the Afterword. I quote: 'Charles Duelfer, the former deputy executive chairman for UNSCOM, retired State Department official, and currently a guest scholar at the Center for Stratgeic and International Studies, put it to me this way during a telephone conversation: 'I think it would be a mistake to focus on the issue of weapons of mass destruction. To do so ignores the larger issue of whether or not we want this dictator [Saddam Hussein] to have control over a nation capable of producing 6 million barrels of oil per day. We simply cannot allow Iraq to have that kind of power and influence. If you focus on the weapons issue, then the first thing you know, Iraq will be given a clean bill of health, sanctions will be lifted, and then Iraq will, at the first excuse, kick the inspectors out. We will be left with having no leverage over Iraq or how Saddam chooses to spend his money.' (Ritter 2002, p. 225)".
Dr Jan Oberg, Danish Government's Committee on security and disarmament
The Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research, 24 April 2003

"For the world as a whole, oil companies are expected to keep finding and developing enough oil to offset our seventy one million plus barrel a day of oil depletion, but also to meet new demand. By some estimates there will be an average of two per cent annual growth in global oil demand over the years ahead along with conservatively a three per cent natural decline in production from existing reserves. That means by 2010 we will need on the order of an additional fifty million barrels a day. So where is the oil going to come from? Governments and the national oil companies are obviously in control of about ninety per cent of the assets. Oil remains fundamentally a government business. While many regions of the world offer great oil opportunities, the Middle East with two thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies, even though companies are anxious for greater access there, progress continues to be slow."
Dick Cheney, Chief Executive of Halliburton, Speech at London Institute of Petroleum, Autumn Lunch 1999

"Condoleezza Rice declined on Wednesday to rule out American forces still being needed in Iraq a decade from now. Senators warned that the Bush administration must play it straight with the public or risk losing public support for the war. Pushed by senators from both parties to define the limits of U.S. involvement in Iraq and the Middle East, Rice also declined to rule out the use of military force in Iran or Syria, although she said the administration prefers diplomacy.... Later, Sen. Paul Sarbanes (news, bio, voting record), D-Md., told Rice that her response to questions about U.S. troop withdrawal leaves open the possibility that U.S. forces could be in Iraq five or even 10 years down the road. Rice did not dispute that. 'I don't know how to speculate about what will happen 10 years from now, but I do believe that we are moving on a course on which Iraqi security forces are rather rapidly able to take care of their own security concerns,' Rice responded."
Rice: U.S. May Still Be in Iraq in 10 Years
Associated Press, 19 October 2005

"Iraq can be seen as the first battle of the fourth world war. After two hot world wars and one cold one that all began and were centered in Europe, the fourth world war is going to be for the Middle East."
Former Director of the CIA, James Woolsey
NATO conference, Prague, November 2002
(Concerned citizens! Believe it or not, military psychopaths are already planning for the 4th World War.)

"The United States is planning to establish up to four long-term military bases in Iraq. The proposal would transform America's ability to project its power in the Middle East. Future arrangements depend largely on who takes over as leader of Iraq.... One reason senior officials in the Pentagon favour Ahmad Chalabi, of the exile group the Iraqi National Congress, as the new leader is that he would be pro-American and happy to facilitate US bases.... With US troops also stationed in Afghanistan, Iran is now almost surrounded by American forces.... The new bases would also enable America to scale back its presence in Saudi Arabia..... Permanent US bases in Iraq would be just one element of a dramatic change in America's strategic posture since the September 11 attacks."
America plans military bases in Iraq to apply pressure on Middle East
Daily Telegraph, 21 April 2003

"As I suspected six months ago, and U.S. military and Bush Administration civilian officials confirmed, U.S. forces have invaded Syria and engaged in combat with Syrian forces. An unknown number of Syrians are acknowledged to have been killed; the number of Americans - if any - who have died so far has not yet been revealed by the U.S. sources, who, by the way, insist on remaining faceless and nameless. The parallel with the Vietnam War, where a Nixon administration deeply involved in a losing war expanded the conflict - fruitlessly - to neighboring Cambodia, is obvious. The result was not changed in Vietnam; Cambodia itself was plunged into dangerous chaos which climaxed in the killing fields, where an estimated 1 million Cambodians died as a result of internal conflict. On the U.S. side, no declaration of war preceded the invasion of Syria, in spite of the requirements of the War Powers Act of 1973. There is no indication that Congress was involved in the decision to go in. If members were briefed, none of them has chosen to share that important information with the American people."
Dan Simpson, Retired Diplomat
Expanding Iraq War into Syria is lunacy
Toledo Blade, 19 October 2005

"... It’s regime-change time, and they won’t let rational arguments get in their way.... Is it possible, after everything we’ve learned about the Bush administration’s lies and deception over Iraq, after the staggering cost of that misguided war to the United States, is it possible that the American body politic is going to let Bush, Cheney and Co. get away with shattering another Middle East state? It’s possible. Because it’s happening."
Syria: The Next Iraq, 24 October 2005

Jane's Defence News: 'An investigation of US corporate sales to Iraq, headed by Republican Congressman Donald Riegle and published in May 1994, listed some of the biological agents exported by US corporations with George Bush's approval as head of the CIA and later as vice-president under Ronald Reagan. The Iraqis are reported to have acquired stocks of anthrax, brucellosis, gas gangrene, E. coli and salmonella bacteria from US companies.'"
Iraqgate 2003
'Fight Smart', Special Report, October 2003

"The key holdout is Saudi Arabia -- and it is indeed aggravating that even though we went to war in 1991 principally to protect its oil, they are unwilling to let us launch air strikes [on Iraq] from their country."
James Woolsey - The Former CIA Director Speaks on Iraq
TIME, 18 February 1998

"Energy is vital to a country's security and material well-being. A state unable to provide its people with adequate energy supplies or desiring added leverage over other people often resorts to force. Consider Saddam Hussein's 1990 invasion of Kuwait, driven by his desire to control more of the world's oil reserves, and the international response to this threat. The underlying goal of the U.N. force, which included 500,000 American troops, was to ensure continued and unfettered access to petroleum...."
Richard G. Lugar and R. James Woolsey (The latter a former Director of the CIA)
The New Petroleum - Foreign Affairs January/February 1999

"Optimists about world oil reserves, such as the Department of Energy, are getting increasingly lonely. The International Energy Agency now says that world production outside the Middle Eastern Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (opec) will peak in 1999 and world production overall will peak between 2010 and 2020. This projection is supported by influential recent articles in Science and Scientific American. Some knowledgeable academic and industry voices put the date that world production will peak even sooner-within the next five or six years...
Richard G. Lugar and R. James Woolsey (Former Director of the CIA)
The New Petroleum - Foreign Affairs January/February 1999

"... the mideast will increasingly become the source of the world's oil, and this is a strategic problem for us and for many other countries."
James Woolsey, Former Director of the CIA
Interview with the Council on Foreign Relations and the Washington Post: June 7, 2000

"...What so swiftly transformed the views and policy of the United States and the onlooking allies-to-be was the recognition, first pressed on President Bush by Mrs Thatcher and then rather late in the day realised by the King of Saudi Arabia, that once he held Kuwait there was nothing to stop Saddam from seizing the Saudi oil fields."
Alistair Cooke's Letter From America
BBC Online, 24 June 2002

'I was a scientist before I was a politician. And as a scientist I know you need facts, evidence and proof - and then you check, recheck and check again.'. She added. .'The fact was that there were no facts, there was no evidence, and there was no proof. As a politician the most serious decision you can take is to commit your armed services to war from which they may not return."
Margaret Thatcher
Independent, 14 October 2005

"... the Middle East with two thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies..."
Dick Cheney, Chief Executive of Halliburton, now Vice President of the United States
Speech at London Institute of Petroleum, Autumn Lunch 1999

"Although completely unreported by the U.S. media and government, the answer to the Iraq enigma is simple yet shocking -- it is in large part an oil currency war. One of the core reasons for this upcoming war is this administration's goal of preventing further Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) momentum towards the euro as an oil transaction currency standard... they need to gain geo-strategic control of Iraq along with its 2nd largest proven oil reserves. The second coalescing factor that is driving the Iraq war is the quiet acknowledgement by respected oil geologists and possibly this administration is the impending phenomenon known as Global 'Peak Oil.' ..."
Essay by

Franklin D. Roosevelt's proclamation of April 5, 1933:
“Therefore, pursuant to the above authority, I hereby proclaim that such gold and silver holdings are prohibited, and that all such coin, bullion or other possessions of gold and silver be tendered within fourteen days to agents of the Government of the United States for compensation at the official price, in the legal tender of the Government. All safe deposit boxes in banks or financial institutions have been sealed pending action in the due course of the law. All sales or purchases or movements of such gold and silver within the borders of the Untied States and its territories, and all foreign exchange transactions or movements of such metals across the border are hereby prohibited.”

Christopher Bollyn - American Free Press April 10, 2005:
"U.S. investigators and the controlled media have ignored a preponderance of evidence pointing to Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad, being involved in the terror attacks of 9/11.

From the very morning aircraft smashed into the World Trade Center (WTC) and the Pentagon, news reports have indicated Israeli intelligence being involved in the events of 9/11 ? and the planting of "false flags" to blame Arab terrorists and mold public opinion to support the pre-planned "war on terror...Ptech 'produced software that derived from PROMIS, had an artificial intelligence core, and was installed on virtually every computer system of the U.S. government and its military agencies on September 11, 2001', according to Michael Ruppert's From the Wilderness (FTW) website.

"This included the White House, Treasury Dept. (Secret Service), Air Force, FAA, CIA, FBI, both houses of Congress, Navy, Dept. of Energy, IRS, Booz Allen Hamilton, IBM, Enron and more," FTW reported.

"Whoever plotted 9/11 definitely viewed the FAA as the enemy that morning. Overriding FAA systems would be the most effective way to ensure the attacks were successful," FTW reported. 'To do this, the FAA needed an evolution of PROMIS software installed on their systems and Ptech was just that; the White House and Secret Service had the same software on their systems ? Likely a superior modified version capable of 'surveillance and intervention' systems.'..."


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